Always add more carbohydrates in your food, fruits, vegetables, legumes and beans are low in fat and high in carbohydrates and essential for a good health since take a more of the same.
Add more grains in your food they are also rich in carbohydrates and low in fat.
Go for chapatti's and parattas rather than choosing processed food like bread.
Go for fruits, soups and salads over jellies, jams, preserves, cream cheese, or cottage cheese.
Butter and margarine may sound tasty, but are high in fat and bad carbohydrates.
Butter contains the highest saturated fat which is the forerunner for increase of cholesterol in our body, which in turn increases the risk of heart disease.
Margarine contains Trans-fatty acids, which flumes the risk of heart disease.
Do not build your meals around meat like beef, pork, lamb since they are high at fat, use very small amount of these meats to flavour dishes, or base the dishes on vegetables, beans or grains. If you feel you cannot avoid using meat of this kind at least rinse them with hot water this will help get rid of some fat.
While you eat concentrate on your food,
avoid eating along a conversation,
avoid eating when you feel depressed,
avoid eating after you had a confrontation or a heated argument,
avoid eating while reading,
avoid eating while you or watching your favourite program on TV,
and basically keep a rule not to combine eating with any other activity,
because always combining makes you to over drive.