
Migraines symptoms and preventions

Normally migraine is related to physiological alterations blood flow that take place in our brain. It is so acute since it comes from several directions, converging at one point in our brain.
It can be recognized when they are getting it since they begin to see an aura of spots and lights. This symptom will vanish bringing terrible pain often on one side of the head. Almost 15 to 17 percent of women and 5 to 7 percent of men are affected by it. Though it is common and may occur in all age groups it is more prevalent among those in the age group of 18 to 45.
It is not hereditary since we don't have any theories to prove it but there are some cases where there is also some family history. Most of the patients who suffer from migraine are from urban areas.There are many factors for migraine but the aggravating factors are different from person to person. It affects the normal life of an individual and at times it also becomes a cause for epilepsy and stroke among some sufferers. Till date there is no diagnostic tool been found to detect migraine. This is ranked 19th debility causing diorder by the WHO.

Often moderate to severe, throbbing headache.

Most commonly on one side of the head, and it is very uncommon for both sides of the head are affected.

It always occurs near the eye on the affected side of the head.

Gets worse with physical activity.

Much sensitive to light/sound.

Causing nausea or vomiting symptoms.

If not taken care of, can stay from 4 to 72 hours and may even persist for weeks.

Although many are suffering from migraine, there are very few who could understand this or its seriousness in life.


Though there are many theories that exists about Migraine, none of them are really that much sound enough to give a long term prophylactic cure, but on the other hand the prolonged use of the pain killers triggers Medicine Overuse Headache or any other side effects.


Whether or not you take preventive medications and benefit from it, by adhearing to some small lifestyle changes you can help yourself to reduce the severity of migraines.

Do muscle relaxation meditation and Yoga.

Spend at least half an hour listening to music, and engaging yourself in gardening, taking a hot bath, or reading your favourite subject.

A sound sleep for seven to nine hours at night.

Rest in dark and quiet room when getting the pain, place an ice pack wrapped in a cloth on the back of your neck and apply gentle pressure to painful areas on your scalp.


One more cause for throat cancer

A recent research report published by British Medical Journal, suggests that people who drink tea hot, run a higher risk of throat cancer than their counterparts who prefer a cooler cup.
Cancer of the oesophagus is linked especially to smoking and alcohol abuse but hot beverages have also been now considered a risk factor, due to taking hot beverages possibly damages the throat tissue. A team led by Reza Malekzadeh of the Digestive Disease Research Centre at Tehran, looked at 300 people who had been diagnosed with a throat tumour and a matched group of 571 healthy people who lived in the same area.
Among those who drank hot tea were twice as likely to develop throat cancer compared with those who drank warm or lukewarm tea, whose temperature was 65'C or less. Drinking very hot tea at least 70'c or above was associated with an eight fold increased risk compared with warm or lukewarm tea.
The study also reveled with evidence that taking scorching fluids may cause damage to the throat's epithelial lining and lead to throat cancer, although the exact reason how it causes remains unclear.
And the final decision tea lovers, wait at least four minutes before drinking from a freshly boiled cup of tea.