
Healthy diets

You are what you eat .

     What you eat and how much you eat can really make or break the effectiveness of your training program. There are plenty of effective methods, but the performance nutrition method is simple, practical, and it works, so it is a must for you to orient in fundamental nutrition concepts in relation to performance and fat loss.
       Basically there are two types of workouts - 1. to build up, to gain strength, size, speed, etc.. and to tear down, to reduce body fat, cut weight, etc.. and there are three types of diets - those that ct calories, those that cut out fat and those that cut out carbohydrates. If you decide to stick to anyone alone will not produce any good results that you expect, it is always said that you should know how to create and maintain a balance in this.
       There is a relationship between the calories you consume and the amount you burn a day. But, again here not all calories are created equal. The calories we get by eating meats fish, fresh fruits and vegetables, sweet potatoes and brown rice, are likely to perform better when compared with the calories we get from eating candy, ice cream and fast food, cause in calories, quality scores over quantity.
        As the big notion that revolves in the nutrition world, that too much fat in a diet is not good, but cutting out all fat is not a good idea either. If your current diet consists of 30 percent of fat, and you decide to cut it all out you have eliminated a significant portion of your calorie intake. Dropping too many calories the metabolism will slow down, and your body will start to feed off muscle tissue, which is a very bad situation and not at all good. You will malnourished, and if you become malnourished, you'll have difficulty in concentrating even on a simple conversation, forget hitting the gym or taking part in sports.
       The basic fuel for human body is glucose. Carbohydrates are more easily converted into glucose than protein or fat. One gram of glycogen holds 2.4grms of water. That is why people who cut carbohydrates lose so much weight so fast. It's more likely they lose water weight. That's why practical trainers always suggest just using the scale to gauge your progress is a bad idea. You burn glycogen throughout the day, and eating carbohydrates dimply refuels your tank. If you stop refilling the tank, your body makes its own glycogen by breaking down muscle tissue.
             Finally, cutting carbohydrates will cause you to go into ketosis, a crisis reaction of that body due to lack of carbohydrates in the diet, it stresses the liver and causes destruction of muscle tissues. Also when you cut carbohydrates, and resume eating them, your body has no idea how to process them and immediately turns them into triglycerides a type of fat.
         The long term solution is to replace what you're currently eating with better and more thermic foods that your body can use. A well balanced meal consists of lean protein like eggs, chicken, fish, beef, low fat dairy, grams and dalls fibrous carbohydrate like fruits and vegetables and low glycemic carbohydrate like sweet potatoes, brown rice, oatmeal etc.
          Ideally, choose organic fruits and veggies, lean meats, fish, eggs, avoid processed foods, simple sugars, saturated fats and hydrogenated fats, and have five to six small meals a day. To know if you have eaten enough, try this, if you are hungry within an hour of a meal, you did not eat enough and if you feel full hours later, you overate.
         To regulate metabolism the speed at which your body burns the food you consume focus on meal timing and frequency, thyroid function and body composition. Ideally, aim to increase muscle and lower body fat.
         Finally, you need to understand what fat loss means, body fat must be released from the adipose tissue in which it is stored. Eating high sugar foods prevents this. Fat is then sent to the muscle to be burned. This is why strength training and increasing lean muscle tissue are crucial for fat loss.

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