
Causes of Hearing Impairment

There are a number of causes of hearing impairment, and listed here are some of the basic causes for this disorder.

Before Birth:
  1. Family history of childhood deafness.
  2. Consanguineous marriages.
  3. Blood group complications.
  4. Infectious diseases or illness during pregnancy.
  5. Poor physical condition of the expectant mother.
  6. Intake of antibiotics.
  7. Excessive alcohol or nicotine intake.
  8. Exposure of X rays.

During Birth:
  1. Premature or instrumental delivery.
  2. Inadequate supply of oxygen during delivery.
  3. Delayed or feeble birth cry.
  4. Birth weight less than 1,200 grams.

After Birth:
  1. Deformities of ear, nose, throat and face.
  2. Jaundice, high fever or convulsions immediately after birth.
  3. Infectious diseases such as whopping cough, mumps, measles, syphilis, meningitis, viral fever etc.
  4. Intake of antibiotics for a long term.
  5. Injury to the ear.
  6. Exposure to loud sounds.
  7. High blood pressure, diabetes.
  8. Aging.
  9. Tumors on the nerve.
  10. Neglected ear discharge.

  • Avoid marriages amongst close relatives.
  • Ensure good health of the expectant mother.
  • Pregnant women should avoid contact with persons suffering from infectious diseases.
  • Make sure that the delivery is performed under the supervision of a trained person.
  • Immunise the child.
  • Maintain good ear hygiene.
  • Avoid exposure to loud noise.
  • Use ear protectors while working in a noisy atmosphere.
  • Avoid taking medicines without doctor's advice.

Many of the factors causing hearing impairment cannot be controlled. But knowing about these factors helps us to identify the risks.

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