
Check your weight - control your input and improve your output

There are three systems in our energy input and energy output cycle. The very basic rule is the input and the output should be equal. If the input is more we become obese. This is very common and everybody know it. If the output is more we lose weight, even though is also common but it is very rare.

Our stomach and intestines supply the energy input, this system is very efficient and it can process any amount of food we put into it. We have to be constantly aware of excess input otherwise we become obese quickly. And most important is obesity does not contribute to fitness at all, rather than creating a lot of health hazards. Actually it is the greatest single factor to cause Diabetes, High BP and Cancer.
The first requisite for fitness is to maintain our standard weight in the permissible range.
(Height - 5 ft; weight - 50kg.
Add 2.5kg for every one inch addition of height that means for example
5ft 6inches - you should weigh 65kgs,
and if you are 6ft - weight 80kgs,
women should be less by 3 to 5 kgs for corresponding height)

As far as energy input is concerned we have to be alert to keep it under control by our dietary habits only, the best judge, doctor and controller is a weighing machine.

We must weigh ourselves once a week. If we put on weight even if it is one kg it must be lost in the next week. It is very easy to put on weight but very difficult to lose. So start losing weight if you are overweight.

The other two system (Respiratory and Circulatory ) are the ones that determine, control and regulate our energy output.

This is the way we remain fit. It is necessary for us to know how these two systems function so that we can accelerate and make them work faster for a short period of time everyday say for 20 - 30 minutes. This will make these two systems function efficiently for the rest of the day.

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