
Healing with a magnet

Magneto therapy is widely used in the treatment of pain.

It is amazing to know that our body is en casted by magnetic fields and that magnetic rays invested in our body can be used to alleviate pain. The magnetic beams originate from our brain and are stronger there. No wonder our custom dictates us not to sleep with our head facing north to manage the flow of magnetism through our body.

Magneto therapy is an easier form of alternative healing as it involves no medicine or injection or her shrubs. The only medical tool used is magnets which are made to interact with the already existing magnetic field in our body. Energy flows at a particular frequency in our body, once the frequency is disturbed, it leads to ailments. Around 3000-5000 magnetic rays cross our body. To coordinate the change in energy level, magnets are used according to the disruption level.

Different kinds of magnets are manufactured according to the needs. They can be classified as low power, medium and high power magnets. Low power magnets are usually used to treat problems in face and other sensitive areas. High power magnets are used for curing cervical spondylitis.
So how does magneto therapy work?
The whole universe is magnetic in nature. Similarly, our body has North and South pole and both the poles have different therapeutic properties. The North pole is effective in curing bacterial infections while the South pole is used to treat pain and swellings, once the pain spot is identified, the power magnets are placed according to the organ composition. The treatment can be local is the affected area only needs care. Since the medicine was just a plain magnet, the treatment is always painless. Normally the existing field of energy is altered to suit the need, the treatment is absolutely safe and has no side affects, it can even be used to cure digestive and neurotic disorders as well. The most best part of this therapy is it can be performed along with allopathy or homeopathy.

1 comment:

Contributing Author said...

Personally I've never really understood most of the explanations behind why magnetic healing seems to work (including this one). What is clear, though, is that there are definitely effects produced on the body when exposed to magnetic fields and, often, these can be positive healing changes.