Normally migraine is related to physiological alterations blood flow that take place in our brain. It is so acute since it comes from several directions, converging at one point in our brain.
It can be recognized when they are getting it since they begin to see an aura of spots and lights. This symptom will vanish bringing terrible pain often on one side of the head. Almost 15 to 17 percent of women and 5 to 7 percent of men are affected by it. Though it is common and may occur in all age groups it is more prevalent among those in the age group of 18 to 45.
It is not hereditary since we don't have any theories to prove it but there are some cases where there is also some family history. Most of the patients who suffer from migraine are from urban areas.There are many factors for migraine but the aggravating factors are different from person to person. It affects the normal life of an individual and at times it also becomes a cause for epilepsy and stroke among some sufferers. Till date there is no diagnostic tool been found to detect migraine. This is ranked 19th debility causing diorder by the WHO.
Often moderate to severe, throbbing headache.
Most commonly on one side of the head, and it is very uncommon for both sides of the head are affected.
It always occurs near the eye on the affected side of the head.
Gets worse with physical activity.
Much sensitive to light/sound.
Causing nausea or vomiting symptoms.
If not taken care of, can stay from 4 to 72 hours and may even persist for weeks.
Although many are suffering from migraine, there are very few who could understand this or its seriousness in life.
Though there are many theories that exists about Migraine, none of them are really that much sound enough to give a long term prophylactic cure, but on the other hand the prolonged use of the pain killers triggers Medicine Overuse Headache or any other side effects.
Whether or not you take preventive medications and benefit from it, by adhearing to some small lifestyle changes you can help yourself to reduce the severity of migraines.
Do muscle relaxation meditation and Yoga.
Spend at least half an hour listening to music, and engaging yourself in gardening, taking a hot bath, or reading your favourite subject.
A sound sleep for seven to nine hours at night.
Rest in dark and quiet room when getting the pain, place an ice pack wrapped in a cloth on the back of your neck and apply gentle pressure to painful areas on your scalp.
Welcome to the best Head to heel health guide. Here you will find some of the best tips and details of Head to heel health. This covers everything, from natural, home, to the recent innovations about your Head to heel health. Its Time you take a decision on your Health.
One more cause for throat cancer
A recent research report published by British Medical Journal, suggests that people who drink tea hot, run a higher risk of throat cancer than their counterparts who prefer a cooler cup.
Cancer of the oesophagus is linked especially to smoking and alcohol abuse but hot beverages have also been now considered a risk factor, due to taking hot beverages possibly damages the throat tissue. A team led by Reza Malekzadeh of the Digestive Disease Research Centre at Tehran, looked at 300 people who had been diagnosed with a throat tumour and a matched group of 571 healthy people who lived in the same area.
Among those who drank hot tea were twice as likely to develop throat cancer compared with those who drank warm or lukewarm tea, whose temperature was 65'C or less. Drinking very hot tea at least 70'c or above was associated with an eight fold increased risk compared with warm or lukewarm tea.
The study also reveled with evidence that taking scorching fluids may cause damage to the throat's epithelial lining and lead to throat cancer, although the exact reason how it causes remains unclear.
And the final decision tea lovers, wait at least four minutes before drinking from a freshly boiled cup of tea.
Cancer of the oesophagus is linked especially to smoking and alcohol abuse but hot beverages have also been now considered a risk factor, due to taking hot beverages possibly damages the throat tissue. A team led by Reza Malekzadeh of the Digestive Disease Research Centre at Tehran, looked at 300 people who had been diagnosed with a throat tumour and a matched group of 571 healthy people who lived in the same area.
Among those who drank hot tea were twice as likely to develop throat cancer compared with those who drank warm or lukewarm tea, whose temperature was 65'C or less. Drinking very hot tea at least 70'c or above was associated with an eight fold increased risk compared with warm or lukewarm tea.
The study also reveled with evidence that taking scorching fluids may cause damage to the throat's epithelial lining and lead to throat cancer, although the exact reason how it causes remains unclear.
And the final decision tea lovers, wait at least four minutes before drinking from a freshly boiled cup of tea.
Important Tip to Keep Fit
To make our body function smooth and keep fit we need our blood circulation accelerated for about 30 minutes a day, basically accelerating blood circulation increases the volume of blood flow through all the cells and tissues in all the organs of the body. This increases the supply of the oxygen, extra nutrients, and as well as clears the CO2 and waste products. By making this all the organs of our body gets cleaned, trimmed and made efficient, and this lasts for the next 12 hours only. Since it is better we do this acceleration of blood twice daily. We can divide the 30 minutes session into two 15 minutes session a day each, one in the morning and one at the evening.
How to increase the acceleration?
This is can be done by some physical exercise, walking, running, jogging, treadmill gym, some simple exercises in gym, etc. This will make our muscle to work harder and more by the way demanding for more blood and naturally increase the circulation.
How to increase the acceleration?
This is can be done by some physical exercise, walking, running, jogging, treadmill gym, some simple exercises in gym, etc. This will make our muscle to work harder and more by the way demanding for more blood and naturally increase the circulation.
Tips to maintain your weight
Always add more carbohydrates in your food, fruits, vegetables, legumes and beans are low in fat and high in carbohydrates and essential for a good health since take a more of the same.
Add more grains in your food they are also rich in carbohydrates and low in fat.
Go for chapatti's and parattas rather than choosing processed food like bread.
Go for fruits, soups and salads over jellies, jams, preserves, cream cheese, or cottage cheese.
Butter and margarine may sound tasty, but are high in fat and bad carbohydrates.
Butter contains the highest saturated fat which is the forerunner for increase of cholesterol in our body, which in turn increases the risk of heart disease.
Margarine contains Trans-fatty acids, which flumes the risk of heart disease.
Do not build your meals around meat like beef, pork, lamb since they are high at fat, use very small amount of these meats to flavour dishes, or base the dishes on vegetables, beans or grains. If you feel you cannot avoid using meat of this kind at least rinse them with hot water this will help get rid of some fat.
While you eat concentrate on your food,
avoid eating along a conversation,
avoid eating when you feel depressed,
avoid eating after you had a confrontation or a heated argument,
avoid eating while reading,
avoid eating while you or watching your favourite program on TV,
and basically keep a rule not to combine eating with any other activity,
because always combining makes you to over drive.
Add more grains in your food they are also rich in carbohydrates and low in fat.
Go for chapatti's and parattas rather than choosing processed food like bread.
Go for fruits, soups and salads over jellies, jams, preserves, cream cheese, or cottage cheese.
Butter and margarine may sound tasty, but are high in fat and bad carbohydrates.
Butter contains the highest saturated fat which is the forerunner for increase of cholesterol in our body, which in turn increases the risk of heart disease.
Margarine contains Trans-fatty acids, which flumes the risk of heart disease.
Do not build your meals around meat like beef, pork, lamb since they are high at fat, use very small amount of these meats to flavour dishes, or base the dishes on vegetables, beans or grains. If you feel you cannot avoid using meat of this kind at least rinse them with hot water this will help get rid of some fat.
While you eat concentrate on your food,
avoid eating along a conversation,
avoid eating when you feel depressed,
avoid eating after you had a confrontation or a heated argument,
avoid eating while reading,
avoid eating while you or watching your favourite program on TV,
and basically keep a rule not to combine eating with any other activity,
because always combining makes you to over drive.
Tips for Attractive hair
Generally a beautiful shining hair enhances beauty and lends a charismatic touch to one's personality. Now a days most of us are facing the problems of premature greying of hair, which not just only diminishes the beauty; and look but also reduces the self esteem of the person. There can be a number of reasons for this premature greying of hair like chronic disease, deficiency of nutritious elements in body, mental tension, severe dieting, harsh soaps and shampoos or hair sprays, the indiscriminate use of the hair-dryer, excessive use of chemicals and improper cleaning and washing of hair, and above all in some cases this may be even hereditary in nature which doesn't find a solution.
Massage hair with oil regularly, at least once a week.
Use a right shampoo for your hair, if you are not going to concentrate on this aspect this may lead to greying and also hair fall. It is therefore necessary to find out whether your hair is oily, dry or normal, use a shampoo which is best suited for your hair type.
Normal hair:
For normal hair, you should choose a mild shampoo with less detergent in it. There are shampoos in the market which have a lot of detergent in them due to which they create a lather. such shampoos are called hard shampoos. The use of such kind of hard shampoos destroys hair moisture, it losses its natural sine and becomes dull and dry. Since use a mild shampoo for normal hair.
Oily hair:
Oily hair gets dirty very quickly and needs to be shampooed frequently. For such hair, a lemon shampoo is ideal. Lemon shampoo removes grease from the hair. If you use an ordinary shampoo for oily hair the dirt do not get washed away easily, as a result hair looks grimy and unhealthy and starts greying prematurely .
If you are of oily hair type you also should avoid fried and spicy food.
Dry hair:
One of the factors for hair becoming grey prematurely is the dryness. For dry hair, use egg shampoo, cream shampoo or tonic shampoo once a week.Never use the wrong kind of shampoo for dry hair.
A conditioner must be used for all types of hair. The regular use of shampoo without conditioner makes hair dry as a result of which it loses its natural sheen as well as moisture. Conditioners play a vital role in maintaining the correct level of moisture in hair.
Though there is a large variety of conditioners in the market for different kinds of hair, you can use conditioner made at home, which will be both useful and affordable.
For ordinary hair, beat 3 eggs and mix in 2 small spoons of olive oil and 1 small spoon of vinegar, apply this paste on your hair properly, keep for half an hour and then shampoo. Use this conditioner once a month.
For oily hair, squeeze the juice of a lemon and put in 1 small spoon of vinegar in a cup of water. Apply it all over your hair after a shampoo when the hair is still wet. Massage your scalp with your fingertips for 5minutes. Then wash it off with clean water. Use this conditioner once a week.
There is one more choice for oily hair, a lemon or the white of an egg is a very good conditioner. It should also be used on wet hair for 5 minutes and then washed off with water.
For dry hair use one spoon olive oil and mix it well into the yellow yolk of egg. Shampoo and wash your hair, apply this conditioner on the wet hair and massage for 5 minutes then wash your hair off with clean water. Use this conditioner once a week only.
If you don't want to use egg for your hair, you may substitute with curds. Shampoo your hair after applying curd on it and keeping it on for 2 hours.
Comb your hair at least thrice a day, combing is a good exercise as it regulates the blood circulation. This results in making the hair healthy.
Always comb your hair from the top downwards, never use a comb on wet hair. Avoid using others comb, and also don't share your comb keep it as a basic rule. And also avoid using others towels and pillows, keep the comb clean.
To keep hair strong and healthy, one should also be mindful of the diet as well, take food which has a lot of iron in it. Eat meat, fish soy bean, rajma, gram and all kinds of lentils. Your menu should include salad, fresh fruits, green vegetables, milk and milk products in sufficient quantity. Deficiency of protein in your food makes your hair weak.
Beware of chemicals: Avoid using dye, (the resent research of hair dying also proves some connections between cancer and hair dye) hair spray or any type of setting lotion on your hair. Use Hanna if at all you want to use a dye to your hair.
Don't perm your hair the lotion used in perming hair is so strong that it destroys natural sheen and moisture.Those who have already been using dye or perming hair must change to conditioner.
Reduce the use of dryer.
Mental tension:This is one of the main cause of premature hair greying and hair fall. Be happy and try to shed undue worry and anxiety.
Warm water never use hot water for washing hair. Hot water makes the hair dull and dry, lack of moisture make it rough and grey. Always wash your hair with fresh water.
Those who go to swim should always use a swimming cap as water in the swimming pool has a lot of chemicals mixed in it. These chemicals affect hair adversely, it is therefore advisable to wash your hair with clean water after a swim.
Protect your hair from strong sunshine. Sun-rays make it dry and accelerate greying and also makes your hair dull. Use a hat or umbrella to avoid direct sun-rays on your hair.
Massage hair with oil regularly, at least once a week.
Use a right shampoo for your hair, if you are not going to concentrate on this aspect this may lead to greying and also hair fall. It is therefore necessary to find out whether your hair is oily, dry or normal, use a shampoo which is best suited for your hair type.
Normal hair:
For normal hair, you should choose a mild shampoo with less detergent in it. There are shampoos in the market which have a lot of detergent in them due to which they create a lather. such shampoos are called hard shampoos. The use of such kind of hard shampoos destroys hair moisture, it losses its natural sine and becomes dull and dry. Since use a mild shampoo for normal hair.
Oily hair:
Oily hair gets dirty very quickly and needs to be shampooed frequently. For such hair, a lemon shampoo is ideal. Lemon shampoo removes grease from the hair. If you use an ordinary shampoo for oily hair the dirt do not get washed away easily, as a result hair looks grimy and unhealthy and starts greying prematurely .
If you are of oily hair type you also should avoid fried and spicy food.
Dry hair:
One of the factors for hair becoming grey prematurely is the dryness. For dry hair, use egg shampoo, cream shampoo or tonic shampoo once a week.Never use the wrong kind of shampoo for dry hair.
A conditioner must be used for all types of hair. The regular use of shampoo without conditioner makes hair dry as a result of which it loses its natural sheen as well as moisture. Conditioners play a vital role in maintaining the correct level of moisture in hair.
Though there is a large variety of conditioners in the market for different kinds of hair, you can use conditioner made at home, which will be both useful and affordable.
For ordinary hair, beat 3 eggs and mix in 2 small spoons of olive oil and 1 small spoon of vinegar, apply this paste on your hair properly, keep for half an hour and then shampoo. Use this conditioner once a month.
For oily hair, squeeze the juice of a lemon and put in 1 small spoon of vinegar in a cup of water. Apply it all over your hair after a shampoo when the hair is still wet. Massage your scalp with your fingertips for 5minutes. Then wash it off with clean water. Use this conditioner once a week.
There is one more choice for oily hair, a lemon or the white of an egg is a very good conditioner. It should also be used on wet hair for 5 minutes and then washed off with water.
For dry hair use one spoon olive oil and mix it well into the yellow yolk of egg. Shampoo and wash your hair, apply this conditioner on the wet hair and massage for 5 minutes then wash your hair off with clean water. Use this conditioner once a week only.
If you don't want to use egg for your hair, you may substitute with curds. Shampoo your hair after applying curd on it and keeping it on for 2 hours.
Comb your hair at least thrice a day, combing is a good exercise as it regulates the blood circulation. This results in making the hair healthy.
Always comb your hair from the top downwards, never use a comb on wet hair. Avoid using others comb, and also don't share your comb keep it as a basic rule. And also avoid using others towels and pillows, keep the comb clean.
To keep hair strong and healthy, one should also be mindful of the diet as well, take food which has a lot of iron in it. Eat meat, fish soy bean, rajma, gram and all kinds of lentils. Your menu should include salad, fresh fruits, green vegetables, milk and milk products in sufficient quantity. Deficiency of protein in your food makes your hair weak.
Beware of chemicals: Avoid using dye, (the resent research of hair dying also proves some connections between cancer and hair dye) hair spray or any type of setting lotion on your hair. Use Hanna if at all you want to use a dye to your hair.
Don't perm your hair the lotion used in perming hair is so strong that it destroys natural sheen and moisture.Those who have already been using dye or perming hair must change to conditioner.
Reduce the use of dryer.
Mental tension:This is one of the main cause of premature hair greying and hair fall. Be happy and try to shed undue worry and anxiety.
Warm water never use hot water for washing hair. Hot water makes the hair dull and dry, lack of moisture make it rough and grey. Always wash your hair with fresh water.
Those who go to swim should always use a swimming cap as water in the swimming pool has a lot of chemicals mixed in it. These chemicals affect hair adversely, it is therefore advisable to wash your hair with clean water after a swim.
Protect your hair from strong sunshine. Sun-rays make it dry and accelerate greying and also makes your hair dull. Use a hat or umbrella to avoid direct sun-rays on your hair.
Massage session tips
Here are some massage tips that you can follow to get the most of your massage session.
1.Drink plenty of water before and after your session. This will enhance the benefits of a massage.
2.Don't eat for at least an hour before and after a massage session.
3.Be on time to your session you need time to cool down and relax before your session.
4.Don't hesitate to talk to the therapist about other issues you might have, like what amount of pressure or sped of movement you're comfortable with, discuss your preferences regarding room temperature, type of music you would like to hear, and lighting to ensure you get the best massage experience.
5.Loosen up during the massage, and be relaxed tightened up muscles are more difficult to relieve and also tensed mind. Don't think about the files waiting for you at the office or your target deadline.
6.Imagine yourself to be in a tranquil place while enjoying the sensual pleasure of touch on your skin.
Tips to Prevent Back pain
Many things can cause low back injuries or muscle strain or spasm, sprains of ligaments (which attach bone to bone), joint problems or "slipped dis", this is also called a herniated disk happens when a disk between the bones of the spine bilges and preses on nerves. This is commonly caused by twisting while lifting.
1. The best position for relief when your back hurts is to lie on your back on the floor with pillows under your knees, with your hips and knees bent and your feet on a chair or just with your hips and knees bent. This takes the pressure and weight off your back. You may need this sort of rest for a hurt back.
2.Heating pads can help to relax painful muscle spasms.
3.Use Ice packs and massages may also give relief.
4.Don't lift by bending over. Lift an object by bending your knees and squatting to pick up the object.
5.If you must sit at your desk or at the wheel of a car or truck for long hours, break up the time with stops to stretch.
6.Wear flat shoes or shoes with low heels.
7.Exercise regularly, because an inactive lifestyle also contributes to lower back pain.
1. The best position for relief when your back hurts is to lie on your back on the floor with pillows under your knees, with your hips and knees bent and your feet on a chair or just with your hips and knees bent. This takes the pressure and weight off your back. You may need this sort of rest for a hurt back.
2.Heating pads can help to relax painful muscle spasms.
3.Use Ice packs and massages may also give relief.
4.Don't lift by bending over. Lift an object by bending your knees and squatting to pick up the object.
5.If you must sit at your desk or at the wheel of a car or truck for long hours, break up the time with stops to stretch.
6.Wear flat shoes or shoes with low heels.
7.Exercise regularly, because an inactive lifestyle also contributes to lower back pain.
Tips to prevent Arterial Blocks
Diabetics and smoking are the most important causes for development of arterial blocks, the other causes being old age, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and lack of exercise. Awareness about the vascular disease is very poor amongst the general public. This has caused great delay in diagnosis leading to high incidence of amputation and even loss of life.
What should be done to prevent development of arterial blocks? some important to follow:
1. Stop Smoking.
2. Keep Walking (Brisk walking better)
3. Proper foot care.
4. Use of Blood thinners like Aspirin.
5. Taking proper care to control Diabetics, blood pressure and cholesterol.
6. Diet control.
7. Lifestyle modification.
What should be done to prevent development of arterial blocks? some important to follow:
1. Stop Smoking.
2. Keep Walking (Brisk walking better)
3. Proper foot care.
4. Use of Blood thinners like Aspirin.
5. Taking proper care to control Diabetics, blood pressure and cholesterol.
6. Diet control.
7. Lifestyle modification.
Continuous usage of hair dye leads to Cancer! Is it true?
The recent research doctors do believe that prolonged usage of hair dye may lead to myeloma, Hodgkin's, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, bladder and breast cancer.
According to doctors they believe there are enough reasons that prolonged usage of hair dye may lead to leukemia. The permanent hair dyes which we use contains strong chemical composition that not only damages the hair but it also harms a lot besides just destroying hair follicles. Doctors believe that the strong chemicals on the hair dye, which when applied directly on the scalp can penetrate deep into the scalp and enter the blood vessel and when the same is been used for a long period may certainly cause the chance of turning out into a carcinogenic cell.
People who use hair dyes in a regular basis are much prone to skin cancer, it may even be due to heredity but you cannot totally to the first point, the reason behind this verdict is that hair dyes contain ammonia, which is carcinogenic.
It is also believed the dark coloured permanent dyes when used are easily absorbed into the body through the scalp and become concentrated in the bladder. Research shows that dark coloured dyes with a base of coal tar may be more carcinogenic than that of the lighter ones, because the dark hair dyes contain a much higher concentration of chemicals that of the chemicals in the lighter ones. Elaborating on the same doctors do believe that "Not only are these dyes carcinogenic, they may also lead to various other diseases like pigmentation and photo dermatitis that is allergy to sunlight. The hair dyes that contain aniline that may lead to bladder cancer. The current initial studies has much established the relationship between the use of permanent and semi permanent hair dye and certain governments have banned the use of some 22 specific chemicals in hair dyes.
As more and more research is being done on this subject it is expected that it may lead to a better understanding of the role of dye colour and genetics.
you can use these three Tips to reduce the exposure:
1. Use hair dyes less frequently
2. Use a lighter shade of hair dye to be always on the safer side.
3. Use gloves during application.
According to doctors they believe there are enough reasons that prolonged usage of hair dye may lead to leukemia. The permanent hair dyes which we use contains strong chemical composition that not only damages the hair but it also harms a lot besides just destroying hair follicles. Doctors believe that the strong chemicals on the hair dye, which when applied directly on the scalp can penetrate deep into the scalp and enter the blood vessel and when the same is been used for a long period may certainly cause the chance of turning out into a carcinogenic cell.
People who use hair dyes in a regular basis are much prone to skin cancer, it may even be due to heredity but you cannot totally to the first point, the reason behind this verdict is that hair dyes contain ammonia, which is carcinogenic.
It is also believed the dark coloured permanent dyes when used are easily absorbed into the body through the scalp and become concentrated in the bladder. Research shows that dark coloured dyes with a base of coal tar may be more carcinogenic than that of the lighter ones, because the dark hair dyes contain a much higher concentration of chemicals that of the chemicals in the lighter ones. Elaborating on the same doctors do believe that "Not only are these dyes carcinogenic, they may also lead to various other diseases like pigmentation and photo dermatitis that is allergy to sunlight. The hair dyes that contain aniline that may lead to bladder cancer. The current initial studies has much established the relationship between the use of permanent and semi permanent hair dye and certain governments have banned the use of some 22 specific chemicals in hair dyes.
As more and more research is being done on this subject it is expected that it may lead to a better understanding of the role of dye colour and genetics.
you can use these three Tips to reduce the exposure:
1. Use hair dyes less frequently
2. Use a lighter shade of hair dye to be always on the safer side.
3. Use gloves during application.
Beautiful Smile
A full mouth restoration procedure where you will have custom made porcelain crowns fitted permanently to your teeth so that there is a new fresh look.
It is an advanced dental procedure designed for patients who are suffering from a number of dental and other problems, either all or some listed below:
- Ground down or collapsed teeth.
- Cosmetic issues such as cracking, chipping, and discoloration
- Neuromuscular problems such as Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, or TMD
- Other problems with the bite or jaw alignment
- Crooked teeth
- A tired aged appearance as a result of dental degradation
- Unsightly and or degraded dental work
These are some of the basic problems a full mouth restoration can resolve, and many other problems, sometimes in as little as two office visits with full mouth restoration will be helpful in bringing back the smile you missed.
This procedure effectively restores the whole mouth at once, leaving you not only with healthy, beautiful teeth, but with a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance over all. The full mouth restoration procedure involves permanently affixing new porcelain composite dental crowns to every damaged or aged tooth, in the ideal configuration for maximum health and beauty.
The full mouth restoration procedure consists of at least two or more clinic visits. On your first visit, your teeth will be prepared and on the second visit your new custom designed porcelain crowns will be fitted and permanently boned to your brand new, beautiful smile.
First the prosthodontist will evaluate your dental condition and the condition of your jaw, or temporomandibular joints. The with the aid of advanced computer modelling to establish the ideal size, shape, and configuration of your smile for dental and neuromuscular health, as well as for appearance. Once in consultation with you the best plan to restore the perfect smile the Prothodontist will prepare your teeth and take a precise custom mold, and fit your with temporary crowns to wear until your next appointment. On the next visit you will have to inspect and approve your new custom porcelain crowns, you can them fitted and securely bonded to your natural teeth bringing back the beautiful fully restored youthful smile which you dreamed for.
It is an advanced dental procedure designed for patients who are suffering from a number of dental and other problems, either all or some listed below:
- Ground down or collapsed teeth.
- Cosmetic issues such as cracking, chipping, and discoloration
- Neuromuscular problems such as Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, or TMD
- Other problems with the bite or jaw alignment
- Crooked teeth
- A tired aged appearance as a result of dental degradation
- Unsightly and or degraded dental work
These are some of the basic problems a full mouth restoration can resolve, and many other problems, sometimes in as little as two office visits with full mouth restoration will be helpful in bringing back the smile you missed.
This procedure effectively restores the whole mouth at once, leaving you not only with healthy, beautiful teeth, but with a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance over all. The full mouth restoration procedure involves permanently affixing new porcelain composite dental crowns to every damaged or aged tooth, in the ideal configuration for maximum health and beauty.
The full mouth restoration procedure consists of at least two or more clinic visits. On your first visit, your teeth will be prepared and on the second visit your new custom designed porcelain crowns will be fitted and permanently boned to your brand new, beautiful smile.
First the prosthodontist will evaluate your dental condition and the condition of your jaw, or temporomandibular joints. The with the aid of advanced computer modelling to establish the ideal size, shape, and configuration of your smile for dental and neuromuscular health, as well as for appearance. Once in consultation with you the best plan to restore the perfect smile the Prothodontist will prepare your teeth and take a precise custom mold, and fit your with temporary crowns to wear until your next appointment. On the next visit you will have to inspect and approve your new custom porcelain crowns, you can them fitted and securely bonded to your natural teeth bringing back the beautiful fully restored youthful smile which you dreamed for.
The feel good foods
Ever wished there was a magic potion or pill to spritz up your spitits pronto?
To see you through a day when Mr/Ms Happily Ever After just made an unannouned exit?
Or to warm your heart after a hard day at work when you're about to bite someone's head off?
Well, there are probably several things nestled in the comfort of your kitchen masquerading as everyday essentials while they actually possess the potential togive your spirists that necessary lift. These mood lifting foods have another big, big payoff besides brightening your outlook on life they can actually make you up to 16 yuears younger by checking the ageing process.
Dairy dose
Skimmed milk with your cereal for breakfast or a tall glass of refreshingly cold milkshake to perk you up midday you are definitely missing out on something if this proteinaceous beverage is not a part of your diet unless you are seriously lactose intolerant. Rich in antioxidants that help in stress busting, milk also naturally boosts serotonin levels.
Carb carving

Trash that no carbs fad diet because carbohydrates help boost serotonin levels, keep you sustained, and help you to stay mellow despite a bad day at the office while also preventing between meals rattiness. While a sugary doughnut or those yummy fires give you a momentary boost followed by a crash stick to whole grain bread rice and pastas as they will keep you feeling fuller and conceivably happier for longer and also be easy on your waist.
Cuppa of bliss

A study from Brazil reveals that people who drink coffee with milk each day are less likely to have depression. Caffeine is known to boost metabolism and energy levels, making you feel more alert by interfering with the action of drowse inducing adenosine in the brain. How ever moderation is the key word because a caffeine over load could result in nervousness, trembling hands, and accelerated heartbeat.
The Popeye way

No wonder Popeye was always in such a high energy mood. Spinach is full of folate and vitamin B. This is a must for making feel good serotonin and eases clinical depression, so if you are trying to stay on the sunny side of life, make chowing down Popeye style a habit.

The next time you are stressing over that power project try downing a few cups of green tea. An antioxidant and weight management ingredient according to research from Unilever, it is rich in L - theanine, which is said to have a relaxing effect on the brain by the stimulation of the alpha brain waves that are known to be associated with relaxation.
Toast to Health

A lot of people claim that baking bread is therapeutic. However, it is nibbling on a slice of this trytophan rich food that could actually steer you clear of clinical depression by raising your serotonin levels. So go ahead and grab that sandwich.
To see you through a day when Mr/Ms Happily Ever After just made an unannouned exit?
Or to warm your heart after a hard day at work when you're about to bite someone's head off?
Well, there are probably several things nestled in the comfort of your kitchen masquerading as everyday essentials while they actually possess the potential togive your spirists that necessary lift. These mood lifting foods have another big, big payoff besides brightening your outlook on life they can actually make you up to 16 yuears younger by checking the ageing process.
Dairy dose
Skimmed milk with your cereal for breakfast or a tall glass of refreshingly cold milkshake to perk you up midday you are definitely missing out on something if this proteinaceous beverage is not a part of your diet unless you are seriously lactose intolerant. Rich in antioxidants that help in stress busting, milk also naturally boosts serotonin levels.
Carb carving

Trash that no carbs fad diet because carbohydrates help boost serotonin levels, keep you sustained, and help you to stay mellow despite a bad day at the office while also preventing between meals rattiness. While a sugary doughnut or those yummy fires give you a momentary boost followed by a crash stick to whole grain bread rice and pastas as they will keep you feeling fuller and conceivably happier for longer and also be easy on your waist.
Cuppa of bliss

A study from Brazil reveals that people who drink coffee with milk each day are less likely to have depression. Caffeine is known to boost metabolism and energy levels, making you feel more alert by interfering with the action of drowse inducing adenosine in the brain. How ever moderation is the key word because a caffeine over load could result in nervousness, trembling hands, and accelerated heartbeat.
The Popeye way

No wonder Popeye was always in such a high energy mood. Spinach is full of folate and vitamin B. This is a must for making feel good serotonin and eases clinical depression, so if you are trying to stay on the sunny side of life, make chowing down Popeye style a habit.

The next time you are stressing over that power project try downing a few cups of green tea. An antioxidant and weight management ingredient according to research from Unilever, it is rich in L - theanine, which is said to have a relaxing effect on the brain by the stimulation of the alpha brain waves that are known to be associated with relaxation.
Toast to Health

A lot of people claim that baking bread is therapeutic. However, it is nibbling on a slice of this trytophan rich food that could actually steer you clear of clinical depression by raising your serotonin levels. So go ahead and grab that sandwich.
Stress May Lead to Weight gain
While some amount of stress is essential and keeps you on your toes, too much stress can make you sick. It can also make you fat your state of health depends on how you respond to stress. Some people remain very calm and collected during most situatins. Stress has very little impact on the health of such individuals.
There are others who get anxious over issues like traffic jams, misbehaving kids, moody spouse, angry bosses, ageing parents, such people are most likely to suffer from stress related disorders like muscle fatiguye, loss of memory and intese food cravings. Uncontrolled stress in addition to causing disease also leads to self destroying eating habits.
Stress related eating behaviour.
Most people overeat when stressed and the weight usually accumulates around the waist for both men and women. Stress increases appetite in soem individuals and decreases appetite in others. Either ways they are undernourished and fall prey to immune disorders. Most people who over eat druing stress often find a release in destrucxtive habits like smoking and alcohol, which leads to nutritional deficiencies and weight gain. When such habits of overeating are followed over a peiod of time they wake up more tried, feel less energetic in the morning, feel the need to over sleep and feel exauseted, by mid afternoon. Such people find it hard to initiate themselves into exercise or even follow a healthy diet. They often consume fried food, high sugar food and lots of coffee. Eventually, the chornic stress in their lives along with their increased weight, makes them depressed. When they are treated with anti-depressants then tend to gain more weight.
Nutritiohn plays an important role in improving or worsenning daily stress. It was also observed that the rules of self care change as you age say around 45 as this is the second half of your life, for instance, you cannot eat the way you did when you were in your 20's because by this time your metabolism slows down. Your hormones behave diffferently. Your percentage of body, fat has gone up and so is the stress in your life.
The most important factor that everybody need to take into account is, eat food that is rich in fibre and complex carbs like whole wheat bread, brown rice and jowar. Fruits and vegetables provide loads of vitamin C, which is inimately involved detoxifyihg the chemicals. Citrus fruits like oranges, sweet lime, lemons, strwberries are packed with Vitamin C. Start using them instead of high fat food as snacks. You should not forget the only way to get rid of stress related weight gain is to develop physical fitness and make the above changes in your eating habits.
There are others who get anxious over issues like traffic jams, misbehaving kids, moody spouse, angry bosses, ageing parents, such people are most likely to suffer from stress related disorders like muscle fatiguye, loss of memory and intese food cravings. Uncontrolled stress in addition to causing disease also leads to self destroying eating habits.
Stress related eating behaviour.
Most people overeat when stressed and the weight usually accumulates around the waist for both men and women. Stress increases appetite in soem individuals and decreases appetite in others. Either ways they are undernourished and fall prey to immune disorders. Most people who over eat druing stress often find a release in destrucxtive habits like smoking and alcohol, which leads to nutritional deficiencies and weight gain. When such habits of overeating are followed over a peiod of time they wake up more tried, feel less energetic in the morning, feel the need to over sleep and feel exauseted, by mid afternoon. Such people find it hard to initiate themselves into exercise or even follow a healthy diet. They often consume fried food, high sugar food and lots of coffee. Eventually, the chornic stress in their lives along with their increased weight, makes them depressed. When they are treated with anti-depressants then tend to gain more weight.
Nutritiohn plays an important role in improving or worsenning daily stress. It was also observed that the rules of self care change as you age say around 45 as this is the second half of your life, for instance, you cannot eat the way you did when you were in your 20's because by this time your metabolism slows down. Your hormones behave diffferently. Your percentage of body, fat has gone up and so is the stress in your life.
The most important factor that everybody need to take into account is, eat food that is rich in fibre and complex carbs like whole wheat bread, brown rice and jowar. Fruits and vegetables provide loads of vitamin C, which is inimately involved detoxifyihg the chemicals. Citrus fruits like oranges, sweet lime, lemons, strwberries are packed with Vitamin C. Start using them instead of high fat food as snacks. You should not forget the only way to get rid of stress related weight gain is to develop physical fitness and make the above changes in your eating habits.
Understanding STROKE
Stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain bursts due to high blood pressure or is blocked by a clot. Thus a part of the brain is starved of blood or oxygen, making your body paralysed down one side and loss of ability to speak.
Sudden numbness or weakness of face, arm or leg especially one side of the body.
Sudden loss of muscle tone in the face muscles.
Sudden confusion, which may seem like drumkeness or trouble in speaking or understanding speech of another person.
Sudden trouble in visibility of one or bothe the eyes.
Sudden trouble in walking or a sense of dizziness. There could also be a loss of balance or sudden servere headache or sudden loss of bladder or bowel control.
Do Not's
Nothing oral should be given without doctro's examination and advice. Do not place "Sorbitrate Tab" under tongue of the patient as it may cause more harm.
This type of patients should be moved to hospital as quickly as possible, always for patients involved in stroke the treatment should be started within 2 hours so that we can avoid any serious disabilities.
If the patient is unconscious, check that the airways is clear.Keep the patient in recovery position. See the patient can have comfortable breathing.
If the patinent is conscious, arrange the patient to lie down with head and shoulders raised.
Loosen any tight clothing and tilt the head slightly to one side.
Check the pulse, breathing and response level.
Give the patient more confidence, keep him informed that everything is taken care off.
Since the patients will be normally feeling difficult to speak, do not ask any question.
Remember the patient could still hear you and understand even though he cannot respond to it.
Smoking doubles the risk of arterial damage that can lead to blockages and stroke.
Quit smoking immediately whatever your age or how long you have smoked, since this will certainly improve your health and reduce the risk of stroke.
Avoid sedentary life style, always try to be more active, do carry alll your needs on your own, do some exercises, swimming , walking, cycling etc. this will control your body weight and improve blood circulation and control blood preassure.
Check your body weight, do not accumulate extra fat in your body. Take more and more leafy vegetables, fruits and vegetables and reduce animal fat as much as possible.
High blood pressure is the biggest enemy of your health, always keep your blood preassure under control and if you are a patient of BP regular check up and medicines is a must.
Avoid Anger, Anger will always cause a sudden rise in blood preassure that may harm blood vessel.
Sudden numbness or weakness of face, arm or leg especially one side of the body.
Sudden loss of muscle tone in the face muscles.
Sudden confusion, which may seem like drumkeness or trouble in speaking or understanding speech of another person.
Sudden trouble in visibility of one or bothe the eyes.
Sudden trouble in walking or a sense of dizziness. There could also be a loss of balance or sudden servere headache or sudden loss of bladder or bowel control.
Do Not's
Nothing oral should be given without doctro's examination and advice. Do not place "Sorbitrate Tab" under tongue of the patient as it may cause more harm.
This type of patients should be moved to hospital as quickly as possible, always for patients involved in stroke the treatment should be started within 2 hours so that we can avoid any serious disabilities.
If the patient is unconscious, check that the airways is clear.Keep the patient in recovery position. See the patient can have comfortable breathing.
If the patinent is conscious, arrange the patient to lie down with head and shoulders raised.
Loosen any tight clothing and tilt the head slightly to one side.
Check the pulse, breathing and response level.
Give the patient more confidence, keep him informed that everything is taken care off.
Since the patients will be normally feeling difficult to speak, do not ask any question.
Remember the patient could still hear you and understand even though he cannot respond to it.
Smoking doubles the risk of arterial damage that can lead to blockages and stroke.
Quit smoking immediately whatever your age or how long you have smoked, since this will certainly improve your health and reduce the risk of stroke.
Avoid sedentary life style, always try to be more active, do carry alll your needs on your own, do some exercises, swimming , walking, cycling etc. this will control your body weight and improve blood circulation and control blood preassure.
Check your body weight, do not accumulate extra fat in your body. Take more and more leafy vegetables, fruits and vegetables and reduce animal fat as much as possible.
High blood pressure is the biggest enemy of your health, always keep your blood preassure under control and if you are a patient of BP regular check up and medicines is a must.
Avoid Anger, Anger will always cause a sudden rise in blood preassure that may harm blood vessel.
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