
Tips for Attractive hair

Generally a beautiful shining hair enhances beauty and lends a charismatic touch to one's personality. Now a days most of us are facing the problems of premature greying of hair, which not just only diminishes the beauty; and look but also reduces the self esteem of the person. There can be a number of reasons for this premature greying of hair like chronic disease, deficiency of nutritious elements in body, mental tension, severe dieting, harsh soaps and shampoos or hair sprays, the indiscriminate use of the hair-dryer, excessive use of chemicals and improper cleaning and washing of hair, and above all in some cases this may be even hereditary in nature which doesn't find a solution.

Massage hair with oil regularly, at least once a week.

Use a right shampoo for your hair, if you are not going to concentrate on this aspect this may lead to greying and also hair fall. It is therefore necessary to find out whether your hair is oily, dry or normal, use a shampoo which is best suited for your hair type.

Normal hair:
For normal hair, you should choose a mild shampoo with less detergent in it. There are shampoos in the market which have a lot of detergent in them due to which they create a lather. such shampoos are called hard shampoos. The use of such kind of hard shampoos destroys hair moisture, it losses its natural sine and becomes dull and dry. Since use a mild shampoo for normal hair.

Oily hair:
Oily hair gets dirty very quickly and needs to be shampooed frequently. For such hair, a lemon shampoo is ideal. Lemon shampoo removes grease from the hair. If you use an ordinary shampoo for oily hair the dirt do not get washed away easily, as a result hair looks grimy and unhealthy and starts greying prematurely .
If you are of oily hair type you also should avoid fried and spicy food.

Dry hair:
One of the factors for hair becoming grey prematurely is the dryness. For dry hair, use egg shampoo, cream shampoo or tonic shampoo once a week.Never use the wrong kind of shampoo for dry hair.

A conditioner must be used for all types of hair. The regular use of shampoo without conditioner makes hair dry as a result of which it loses its natural sheen as well as moisture. Conditioners play a vital role in maintaining the correct level of moisture in hair.
Though there is a large variety of conditioners in the market for different kinds of hair, you can use conditioner made at home, which will be both useful and affordable.

For ordinary hair, beat 3 eggs and mix in 2 small spoons of olive oil and 1 small spoon of vinegar, apply this paste on your hair properly, keep for half an hour and then shampoo. Use this conditioner once a month.

For oily hair, squeeze the juice of a lemon and put in 1 small spoon of vinegar in a cup of water. Apply it all over your hair after a shampoo when the hair is still wet. Massage your scalp with your fingertips for 5minutes. Then wash it off with clean water. Use this conditioner once a week.

There is one more choice for oily hair, a lemon or the white of an egg is a very good conditioner. It should also be used on wet hair for 5 minutes and then washed off with water.

For dry hair use one spoon olive oil and mix it well into the yellow yolk of egg. Shampoo and wash your hair, apply this conditioner on the wet hair and massage for 5 minutes then wash your hair off with clean water. Use this conditioner once a week only.

If you don't want to use egg for your hair, you may substitute with curds. Shampoo your hair after applying curd on it and keeping it on for 2 hours.

Comb your hair at least thrice a day, combing is a good exercise as it regulates the blood circulation. This results in making the hair healthy.

Always comb your hair from the top downwards, never use a comb on wet hair. Avoid using others comb, and also don't share your comb keep it as a basic rule. And also avoid using others towels and pillows, keep the comb clean.

To keep hair strong and healthy, one should also be mindful of the diet as well, take food which has a lot of iron in it. Eat meat, fish soy bean, rajma, gram and all kinds of lentils. Your menu should include salad, fresh fruits, green vegetables, milk and milk products in sufficient quantity. Deficiency of protein in your food makes your hair weak.


Beware of chemicals: Avoid using dye, (the resent research of hair dying also proves some connections between cancer and hair dye) hair spray or any type of setting lotion on your hair. Use Hanna if at all you want to use a dye to your hair.

Don't perm your hair the lotion used in perming hair is so strong that it destroys natural sheen and moisture.Those who have already been using dye or perming hair must change to conditioner.

Reduce the use of dryer.

Mental tension:This is one of the main cause of premature hair greying and hair fall. Be happy and try to shed undue worry and anxiety.

Warm water never use hot water for washing hair. Hot water makes the hair dull and dry, lack of moisture make it rough and grey. Always wash your hair with fresh water.

Those who go to swim should always use a swimming cap as water in the swimming pool has a lot of chemicals mixed in it. These chemicals affect hair adversely, it is therefore advisable to wash your hair with clean water after a swim.

Protect your hair from strong sunshine. Sun-rays make it dry and accelerate greying and also makes your hair dull. Use a hat or umbrella to avoid direct sun-rays on your hair.

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