WALK.Walk- Walk your way to a healthy heart, it had been proved that nothing helps keeping your heart healthy than walking.Why not we do this simple help to our heart,after all we call everything outside as our heart forgetting there is really one inside.
After reading the title and the line above if you say that oh! this I know want to jump from this column wait, yes you know walking is best to heart but do you know the basics of walking if you say YES you are permitted to jump if you say NO then walk through this.
The recommendations read as one must walk minimum 3 miles (4.8kms) a day for five days in a week.You should walk in such a way that you cross 1 mile in 20 minutes, this is the best pase that you got to walk and this thumb rule is common for men and women.
Brisk walk is good for health than jogging.Specialists suggest that those who are excess weight and obese may land in trouble if jog, they may develop joint pain and back pain,since brisk walking is very much recommended for them.The reason behind this difference between jogging and brisk walking is when you jog the pressure generated on your legs and on the joints of your body is 5 times more than your weight but it is only 11/2times more when you brisk walk.
The intake of oxygen is also the same in brisk walking as in jogging.when you brisk walk for 30 minutes it burns almost 200 calories from your body. It fights against cholesterol and stress.
When you walk try to keep your body straight and walk, swing arms freely not like an army parade,wear good shoes which are not so heavy.Use good track suit or good cotton clothes for walking.
Brisk walking is the only exercise that rejuvenates your body without hurting and exerting your heart.
Keep walking 30 minutes a day make it a practise.