Heart related disease is one of the biggest health concerns of our times. Experts warn that in the coming decade more people around the world and especially in Asian continent will die from coronary artery disease as compared to any other disease. With the exception of genetics, two of the major factors that is lifestyle and diet that precipitate CAD (coronary artery disease) is well within our control. These include smoking, alcohol, stress, exercise and food.
Most of us are born with clean, open and suple arteries, which get blocked with plaque as an outcome of a faulty lifestyle and diet followed over the years, this is an invitation for CAD. If you could look into the arteries of a person suffering from CAD, you would see raised bumps called a plaque. These plaques are composed of choloseterol, fat and clumps of cells grwoing from the muscle layer of the arteries.
Consequently, this may lead to a heart attack or a stroke. Certain habits of the patients like smoking, drinking alcohol, sedentary lifestyle stress, coupled with high cholesterol, high blood pressure and obesity helps the doctor to predict who is the at the risk of getting a heart attack.
Then the question that arises in our mind is what is the best diet?
A healthy diet not only helps in keeping the arteries clean, supple and clot free but also in prevention or control of cholesterol, start by making some healthy choices. You could replace white beread with whole wheat bread, white rice, with brown rice, fruit juices with whole fruits and high fat milk with low fat milk.
Opt for whole wheat, millet, soyabean and wheat bran snacks instead of maida based ones and eat only wholegrain cereals. Replace PUFA based oils like corn, safflower with MUFA based oils such as olive, til seed, mustard and groundnut oil. If you take alcohol stop taking whisky, vodka and gin and take red wine. This will help in flushing out toxins and are hightly beneficial for the liver and heart.More over they also hellp in the treaatment of anemia and eleminating bad breath and body odour, and also enrich and purify the blood.
Make a habit to eat two to three fruits a day, cover quarter portion of your diet with vegetables since they are rich in soluble fiber content that is necessary to fight against cholesterol. Take two table spoons oaf alsi seeds powder daily helps in creasing the HDL. Take two cloves of raw garlic chopped or eat it plain which will reduce your blood preassure and the recent discovery also showing that it helps more in preventing heart attacks and also in preventing cancer. The antioxidant properties present in raw garlick contain blood thinning properties and help protect against cancer.
If you are already suffering any problems with heart, you should take more raw onions, ginger, black mushrooms, garlic and green tea which will help you more in preventing blood clots.
Consumption of a bowl of boiled black or green channa tossed with some salad dressed with a teasppon of olive oil is also beneficial for those having CAD. Always a diet of whole grains, whole pulses, more vegetables, and good amount of fruits will certainly do good.
Last but not the least never forget to do exercise. Regular brisk walking a day for 30 to 40 minutes will keep your blood sugar level,triglycerides and cholesterol under control.
Welcome to the best Head to heel health guide. Here you will find some of the best tips and details of Head to heel health. This covers everything, from natural, home, to the recent innovations about your Head to heel health. Its Time you take a decision on your Health.
Dental care
Dental care for senior citizens:
Geriatric dentistry, adult tooth loss is often a result of oral disease neglected in young age,and not necessarily due to the aging process.
Diseases of the gums are common and elders are unaware of these changes as there is no pain. Gums recede exposing the roots.
Root caries are about four times higher in elders, probably because of more root surface being exposed. Dental decay is not self limiting and destroys the tooth unless treated.
Symptoms like reduced salivation causing dryness to the mouth, called Xerostomia, and loss of taste are also experienced as a result of aging.
Dentures are never 100 percent satisfactory.
The Right dental regime:
Brush twice a day; floss and go for regular dental visits.
To avoid harmful acids that cause teeth decay use fluoride toothpastes. Limit your intake of sugary snacks.
Inform your dentist of any changes in your medical history to help prevent potentially harmful drug interactions.
Diseases of gums and root caries require services of respective specialities. As an alternative to complete or partial dentures, implants are highly recommended.
Geriatric dentistry, adult tooth loss is often a result of oral disease neglected in young age,and not necessarily due to the aging process.
Diseases of the gums are common and elders are unaware of these changes as there is no pain. Gums recede exposing the roots.
Root caries are about four times higher in elders, probably because of more root surface being exposed. Dental decay is not self limiting and destroys the tooth unless treated.
Symptoms like reduced salivation causing dryness to the mouth, called Xerostomia, and loss of taste are also experienced as a result of aging.
Dentures are never 100 percent satisfactory.
The Right dental regime:
Brush twice a day; floss and go for regular dental visits.
To avoid harmful acids that cause teeth decay use fluoride toothpastes. Limit your intake of sugary snacks.
Inform your dentist of any changes in your medical history to help prevent potentially harmful drug interactions.
Diseases of gums and root caries require services of respective specialities. As an alternative to complete or partial dentures, implants are highly recommended.
Fight Cancer with food
Right diet and changing food habits can be good tool to fight cancer, say experts.
You are what you eat. Did you know that about one third of cancer deaths may be related to what we eat. However, by making the right choices, we can reduce the risk of cancer.
We often don't question the kind of food we eat, and moreover doesn't even want to know about it. Unlike our grand parents who used to eat nuts, panjiri for snacks, we don't think twice before popping a biscuit, noodles, bread for snacks. I am not saying taht you should not eat parathas, but what you do after eating one is important. If you are going to drive off to work and sit in front of a computer, then you shouldn't be eating it at all.
Of all 40 percent of cancer in males, and 60 percent of cancer in females is related to food so now it becomes a must that we have to understand prventive and curative diet.Food should be simple and unprocessed, more of organic items should be consumed. Nuts is good for the body. A handful of nuts like almond, raisins, apricots can be taken during the day.
Patients undergoing chemotherapy must maintain the amount of calories they undertake each day. They should have more of liquids in their diet like soup, barley water with lime, lassi, strained water of curd. They must also include fruits and vegetables of re, green, yellow and orange colours in their diet. The deeper the colour of fruit, vegetables more protective it is.
For example, beetroot has special cancer fighting properties. Have atleast three cups of vegetables and fruits daily. Instead of biscuit, start your day with fruits, here are some of the food items that shold be incorporated in the diet. Garlic and onion have protperties to fight against cancer and other diseases, however, garlic flakes shold be crushed before consumed. And they should never be taken empty stomach. Aloe vera is another plant that has several anti oxidants and is good for the body. Reduce the intake of sugar and avoid it in drinks as well. Incorporate curd in your diet as it has probiotic micro organisms which is helpful in immunity. Have bowl of curd everyday.
You should take care of the body weight as well as obesity also leads to further complications. Go for flax seeds, which can be taken with water, or curd people who consume non-vegetables must have more vegetables.
You are what you eat. Did you know that about one third of cancer deaths may be related to what we eat. However, by making the right choices, we can reduce the risk of cancer.
We often don't question the kind of food we eat, and moreover doesn't even want to know about it. Unlike our grand parents who used to eat nuts, panjiri for snacks, we don't think twice before popping a biscuit, noodles, bread for snacks. I am not saying taht you should not eat parathas, but what you do after eating one is important. If you are going to drive off to work and sit in front of a computer, then you shouldn't be eating it at all.
Of all 40 percent of cancer in males, and 60 percent of cancer in females is related to food so now it becomes a must that we have to understand prventive and curative diet.Food should be simple and unprocessed, more of organic items should be consumed. Nuts is good for the body. A handful of nuts like almond, raisins, apricots can be taken during the day.
Patients undergoing chemotherapy must maintain the amount of calories they undertake each day. They should have more of liquids in their diet like soup, barley water with lime, lassi, strained water of curd. They must also include fruits and vegetables of re, green, yellow and orange colours in their diet. The deeper the colour of fruit, vegetables more protective it is.
For example, beetroot has special cancer fighting properties. Have atleast three cups of vegetables and fruits daily. Instead of biscuit, start your day with fruits, here are some of the food items that shold be incorporated in the diet. Garlic and onion have protperties to fight against cancer and other diseases, however, garlic flakes shold be crushed before consumed. And they should never be taken empty stomach. Aloe vera is another plant that has several anti oxidants and is good for the body. Reduce the intake of sugar and avoid it in drinks as well. Incorporate curd in your diet as it has probiotic micro organisms which is helpful in immunity. Have bowl of curd everyday.
You should take care of the body weight as well as obesity also leads to further complications. Go for flax seeds, which can be taken with water, or curd people who consume non-vegetables must have more vegetables.
Post delivery Health
Lot of women develop health problems after their delivery, and normally the basic reason for this is ignoring their diet. You need a nourishing balanced diet after delivery, and lack of good sleep is another factor that contributes to the bad health. These two are the basic cause of woman's poor health and the dull, listless texture of skin, after delivery.
After delivery, every woman must ensure that she eats a balanced diet consisting of cereals, eggs, milk, meat, chicken, curd, jaggery, gram, pulses, green leafy vegetables and fruits. Of course that will depend on individuals economic status as well as food habits.
Owing to breast feeding, normally there is an extra demand for energy and proteins and hence it is important to take a diet which gives about 550 calories and 25 gm of extra proteins every day (this is over and above the normal practice), and this will ensure good health, good skin for woman.
At the same time drink plenty of water, avoid eating too much of pure ghee, dry fruits and sweets(this is what we do in normal course) after delivery. This will increase milk production, and do take an iron tablet every day after meals.
Normally if a child gets adequate quantity of breast milk, the child sleeps peacefully after a feed and generally does not cry for a feed for the next 3 hours. Moreover, every woman should weigh their baby every fortnight, the child will be gaining weight at the rate of about 30 - 35 gms per day if every thing goes correct.
To take care of proper sleep, feed the child well before going to sleep. May be, you will have to wake up once at night. This will help the woman to have a good sleep which is also essential for good health of post delivery season. Very soon the baby will develop a rhythm of feeding which is convenient to both mother and child.
Check your weight - control your input and improve your output
There are three systems in our energy input and energy output cycle. The very basic rule is the input and the output should be equal. If the input is more we become obese. This is very common and everybody know it. If the output is more we lose weight, even though is also common but it is very rare.
Our stomach and intestines supply the energy input, this system is very efficient and it can process any amount of food we put into it. We have to be constantly aware of excess input otherwise we become obese quickly. And most important is obesity does not contribute to fitness at all, rather than creating a lot of health hazards. Actually it is the greatest single factor to cause Diabetes, High BP and Cancer.
The first requisite for fitness is to maintain our standard weight in the permissible range.
(Height - 5 ft; weight - 50kg.
Add 2.5kg for every one inch addition of height that means for example
5ft 6inches - you should weigh 65kgs,
and if you are 6ft - weight 80kgs,
women should be less by 3 to 5 kgs for corresponding height)
As far as energy input is concerned we have to be alert to keep it under control by our dietary habits only, the best judge, doctor and controller is a weighing machine.
We must weigh ourselves once a week. If we put on weight even if it is one kg it must be lost in the next week. It is very easy to put on weight but very difficult to lose. So start losing weight if you are overweight.
The other two system (Respiratory and Circulatory ) are the ones that determine, control and regulate our energy output.
This is the way we remain fit. It is necessary for us to know how these two systems function so that we can accelerate and make them work faster for a short period of time everyday say for 20 - 30 minutes. This will make these two systems function efficiently for the rest of the day.
Our stomach and intestines supply the energy input, this system is very efficient and it can process any amount of food we put into it. We have to be constantly aware of excess input otherwise we become obese quickly. And most important is obesity does not contribute to fitness at all, rather than creating a lot of health hazards. Actually it is the greatest single factor to cause Diabetes, High BP and Cancer.
The first requisite for fitness is to maintain our standard weight in the permissible range.
(Height - 5 ft; weight - 50kg.
Add 2.5kg for every one inch addition of height that means for example
5ft 6inches - you should weigh 65kgs,
and if you are 6ft - weight 80kgs,
women should be less by 3 to 5 kgs for corresponding height)
As far as energy input is concerned we have to be alert to keep it under control by our dietary habits only, the best judge, doctor and controller is a weighing machine.
We must weigh ourselves once a week. If we put on weight even if it is one kg it must be lost in the next week. It is very easy to put on weight but very difficult to lose. So start losing weight if you are overweight.
The other two system (Respiratory and Circulatory ) are the ones that determine, control and regulate our energy output.
This is the way we remain fit. It is necessary for us to know how these two systems function so that we can accelerate and make them work faster for a short period of time everyday say for 20 - 30 minutes. This will make these two systems function efficiently for the rest of the day.
Take care of Your Heart
Heart failure and its symptoms.
The term 'Heart Failure' refers to the diminished ability of the heart to keep up with its workload it can continue to pump efficiently enough to keep up with the demands of the body's organs for oxygen rich blood. In US about 4 lakh new case of heart failure are diagnosed yearly and 70 percent of people with the heart failure die of the disease. When the heart's efficiency decreases the strengh of the heart's contractions diminish, reducing the amount of blood pumped out into the body's tissues. In addition, he myocardium may have trouble emptying out all of the blood it receives, causing the ventricles the pumping chambers to retain too much fluid and, as a result, to become enlarged.
Signs and symptoms:
Although patients with heart failure may have no symptoms at first, several problems, can arise as the syndrome progresses. Th signs and symptoms of heart failure generally fall into two categories, forward failure and backward failure.
The symptoms of forward failure are a product of poor cardiac output, the heart's inability to pump the blood with sufficient force to the body's tissues, then include weakness fatigue, and a general sense of feeling unwell. The symptom of backward failure are a product of fluid congestion in the tissues; they include breathlessness, cough, and swelling in the feet, ankles, legs or stomach. In congestive heart failure, the weakened heart cannot keep fluids moving through the body, so fluid pools, especially in the lungs, causing breathing difficulties. Edema, or swelling. in the legs, ankles, and feet and as cites or swelling in the abdomen, can also result. When fluid accumulates, weight gain can occur as well. The most common causes of heart failure are: Coronary Artery disease (CAD), Previous myocardial infarction (heart attack), Hypertension, Valve disease, Congenital heart disease, Cardiomyopathy, a disease of the myocardium, Endocarditic, Myocarditis.
The term 'Heart Failure' refers to the diminished ability of the heart to keep up with its workload it can continue to pump efficiently enough to keep up with the demands of the body's organs for oxygen rich blood. In US about 4 lakh new case of heart failure are diagnosed yearly and 70 percent of people with the heart failure die of the disease. When the heart's efficiency decreases the strengh of the heart's contractions diminish, reducing the amount of blood pumped out into the body's tissues. In addition, he myocardium may have trouble emptying out all of the blood it receives, causing the ventricles the pumping chambers to retain too much fluid and, as a result, to become enlarged.
Signs and symptoms:
Although patients with heart failure may have no symptoms at first, several problems, can arise as the syndrome progresses. Th signs and symptoms of heart failure generally fall into two categories, forward failure and backward failure.
The symptoms of forward failure are a product of poor cardiac output, the heart's inability to pump the blood with sufficient force to the body's tissues, then include weakness fatigue, and a general sense of feeling unwell. The symptom of backward failure are a product of fluid congestion in the tissues; they include breathlessness, cough, and swelling in the feet, ankles, legs or stomach. In congestive heart failure, the weakened heart cannot keep fluids moving through the body, so fluid pools, especially in the lungs, causing breathing difficulties. Edema, or swelling. in the legs, ankles, and feet and as cites or swelling in the abdomen, can also result. When fluid accumulates, weight gain can occur as well. The most common causes of heart failure are: Coronary Artery disease (CAD), Previous myocardial infarction (heart attack), Hypertension, Valve disease, Congenital heart disease, Cardiomyopathy, a disease of the myocardium, Endocarditic, Myocarditis.
Healing with a magnet
Magneto therapy is widely used in the treatment of pain.
It is amazing to know that our body is en casted by magnetic fields and that magnetic rays invested in our body can be used to alleviate pain. The magnetic beams originate from our brain and are stronger there. No wonder our custom dictates us not to sleep with our head facing north to manage the flow of magnetism through our body.
Magneto therapy is an easier form of alternative healing as it involves no medicine or injection or her shrubs. The only medical tool used is magnets which are made to interact with the already existing magnetic field in our body. Energy flows at a particular frequency in our body, once the frequency is disturbed, it leads to ailments. Around 3000-5000 magnetic rays cross our body. To coordinate the change in energy level, magnets are used according to the disruption level.
Different kinds of magnets are manufactured according to the needs. They can be classified as low power, medium and high power magnets. Low power magnets are usually used to treat problems in face and other sensitive areas. High power magnets are used for curing cervical spondylitis.
So how does magneto therapy work?
The whole universe is magnetic in nature. Similarly, our body has North and South pole and both the poles have different therapeutic properties. The North pole is effective in curing bacterial infections while the South pole is used to treat pain and swellings, once the pain spot is identified, the power magnets are placed according to the organ composition. The treatment can be local is the affected area only needs care. Since the medicine was just a plain magnet, the treatment is always painless. Normally the existing field of energy is altered to suit the need, the treatment is absolutely safe and has no side affects, it can even be used to cure digestive and neurotic disorders as well. The most best part of this therapy is it can be performed along with allopathy or homeopathy.
It is amazing to know that our body is en casted by magnetic fields and that magnetic rays invested in our body can be used to alleviate pain. The magnetic beams originate from our brain and are stronger there. No wonder our custom dictates us not to sleep with our head facing north to manage the flow of magnetism through our body.
Magneto therapy is an easier form of alternative healing as it involves no medicine or injection or her shrubs. The only medical tool used is magnets which are made to interact with the already existing magnetic field in our body. Energy flows at a particular frequency in our body, once the frequency is disturbed, it leads to ailments. Around 3000-5000 magnetic rays cross our body. To coordinate the change in energy level, magnets are used according to the disruption level.
Different kinds of magnets are manufactured according to the needs. They can be classified as low power, medium and high power magnets. Low power magnets are usually used to treat problems in face and other sensitive areas. High power magnets are used for curing cervical spondylitis.
So how does magneto therapy work?
The whole universe is magnetic in nature. Similarly, our body has North and South pole and both the poles have different therapeutic properties. The North pole is effective in curing bacterial infections while the South pole is used to treat pain and swellings, once the pain spot is identified, the power magnets are placed according to the organ composition. The treatment can be local is the affected area only needs care. Since the medicine was just a plain magnet, the treatment is always painless. Normally the existing field of energy is altered to suit the need, the treatment is absolutely safe and has no side affects, it can even be used to cure digestive and neurotic disorders as well. The most best part of this therapy is it can be performed along with allopathy or homeopathy.
Eat right, Lose Weight
The body needs to be working as efficiently as possible to lose weight fast. If your body organs are working at maximum efficiency, you will lose weight faster. Logical, but not many people think about this when dieting.
Tips to lose weight fast:
Iced water:
Have a minimum of two litres a day. Water has to be iced, as the body will burn hundred calories just by heating the water to normal body temperature. Also, hunger pangs are very often thirst pangs, so this will help you stop over eating. Add lemon to flavour if you wish and gain the added benefit of cleansing your liver at the same time. Water also helps your body metabolise stored fat by helping the kidneys flush the waste quicker. When you don't drink enough water, the lever needs to help the kidneys perform the function of providing stored fat for energy.
Green Tea:
Drink five cups a day. Research shows this can burn a massive eighty calories a day! It is believed the antioxidant catechins in green tea boost the metabolism and help burn fat.
Chilli sauce and mustard:
These foods increase your calorie burning capacity by five to ten per cent for up to two hours after eating. This is because they contain capsaicin which speeds the metabolism. So if you enjoy hot food you're in luck, have nicely and enjoy it.
Low fat diary foods:
These increase fat burning in the abdominal area. Because these foods are rich in calcium, which encourage the release of fat and also reduce the amount of the fat absorbed. But be careful you don't choose high fat diary foods.
Eat fibre:
Eating fibre foods help you to keep things moving through your bowel as stated above and makes you feel full. An average person can lose 9 to 10 pounds in one year just from doubling their fibre intake. Aim for 25 grams at least every day, ( the average for most adults is just 8 grams you should try to increase it) of fibre rich foods that include strawberries, apples, brown rice, chickpeas, potatoes(with skins) and green vegetables.
Gorge on salads:
Eating cooling salads in the summer months not only help your stay fresh, but also help in knocking off those additional inches.
Don't forget to incorporate these above tips into a sensible diet and they will surely enhance it and help you to lose weight really fast.
Tips to lose weight fast:
Iced water:
Have a minimum of two litres a day. Water has to be iced, as the body will burn hundred calories just by heating the water to normal body temperature. Also, hunger pangs are very often thirst pangs, so this will help you stop over eating. Add lemon to flavour if you wish and gain the added benefit of cleansing your liver at the same time. Water also helps your body metabolise stored fat by helping the kidneys flush the waste quicker. When you don't drink enough water, the lever needs to help the kidneys perform the function of providing stored fat for energy.
Green Tea:
Drink five cups a day. Research shows this can burn a massive eighty calories a day! It is believed the antioxidant catechins in green tea boost the metabolism and help burn fat.
Chilli sauce and mustard:
These foods increase your calorie burning capacity by five to ten per cent for up to two hours after eating. This is because they contain capsaicin which speeds the metabolism. So if you enjoy hot food you're in luck, have nicely and enjoy it.
Low fat diary foods:
These increase fat burning in the abdominal area. Because these foods are rich in calcium, which encourage the release of fat and also reduce the amount of the fat absorbed. But be careful you don't choose high fat diary foods.
Eat fibre:
Eating fibre foods help you to keep things moving through your bowel as stated above and makes you feel full. An average person can lose 9 to 10 pounds in one year just from doubling their fibre intake. Aim for 25 grams at least every day, ( the average for most adults is just 8 grams you should try to increase it) of fibre rich foods that include strawberries, apples, brown rice, chickpeas, potatoes(with skins) and green vegetables.
Gorge on salads:
Eating cooling salads in the summer months not only help your stay fresh, but also help in knocking off those additional inches.
Don't forget to incorporate these above tips into a sensible diet and they will surely enhance it and help you to lose weight really fast.
Fight cholesterol naturally
When the international cholesterol guidelines were updated last year it was found that "bad cholesterol" or trigerlciydes thresholds were lowered in men who had active lifestyles. This goes on to prove that small lifestyle changes can help naturally decrease your level of bad cholesterol or LDL. In the numerous studies conducted in the past show the powerful effect of exercise on cholesterol. In one study, 377 men who ate healthy meals were divided into two groups: as those who exercised and those who didn't. After one year, the LDL levels for those who exercised dropped about 15 percent for men. From that study the scientists have laid down some points how you can fight LDL.
- Cardiovascular exercises: Try walking, running, riding a bicycle, in line skating, water exercise, step classes, cardio- kickboxing, volleyball or just about anything that will keep you active.
-Choose an activity you enjoy, because that's the only way you'll be able to stick with it. Doing something which doesn't interest you, doesn't help you much you may tend to cut short it or even doesn't continue. If the idea of doing only one thing bores you, try alternating activities.
- If you've been leading a sedetarylife, get clearance from your Doctor before beginning a physical activity. Start at a low pace or low intensity during your first week.
- Remember consistency. To lower bad cholesterol, you need to exercise regularly, meaning most days of the week, keep consistency your motto.
- Cardiovascular exercises: Try walking, running, riding a bicycle, in line skating, water exercise, step classes, cardio- kickboxing, volleyball or just about anything that will keep you active.
-Choose an activity you enjoy, because that's the only way you'll be able to stick with it. Doing something which doesn't interest you, doesn't help you much you may tend to cut short it or even doesn't continue. If the idea of doing only one thing bores you, try alternating activities.
- If you've been leading a sedetarylife, get clearance from your Doctor before beginning a physical activity. Start at a low pace or low intensity during your first week.
- Remember consistency. To lower bad cholesterol, you need to exercise regularly, meaning most days of the week, keep consistency your motto.
Sinusitis and its management
Normally sinusitis is triggered by viral respiratory tract infection. This term refers to inflammation of the mucosal lining of the para nasal sinusis.
Common causes of sinusitis are viral infection, allergic and non-allergic rhinitis, septal deviation, cigarette smoking, diabetes mellitis, swimming, diving, high altitude climbing, and dental infections. Some rare causes are immune deficiency, immofile cilia syndrome, growth of tumor, cystic fibrosis and sacoldosis. Symptoms are nasal obstruction or congestion, reduced sense of smell, facial pressure, pain tenderness, fever or toothache etc.
The organisms like haemophilus influenza, strettocrocus pneumonia, stretto crocus aures cause bleeding and eye and brain complications.
Surgery for sinusitis should be considered only after maximum drug treatment. The eye infection sometimes cause blindness due to compression around the optic nerve.
Frontal sinusitis lead to bone involvement called osteomyelitis which destroys the bone causing pus formation. The pus may enter into veins in the brain causing trombosis which is called cavernus sinus thrombosis. Mainstay of treatment is relief with analgesic, antihistamine and intranasal steroids and antibiotics.
Common causes of sinusitis are viral infection, allergic and non-allergic rhinitis, septal deviation, cigarette smoking, diabetes mellitis, swimming, diving, high altitude climbing, and dental infections. Some rare causes are immune deficiency, immofile cilia syndrome, growth of tumor, cystic fibrosis and sacoldosis. Symptoms are nasal obstruction or congestion, reduced sense of smell, facial pressure, pain tenderness, fever or toothache etc.
The organisms like haemophilus influenza, strettocrocus pneumonia, stretto crocus aures cause bleeding and eye and brain complications.
Surgery for sinusitis should be considered only after maximum drug treatment. The eye infection sometimes cause blindness due to compression around the optic nerve.
Frontal sinusitis lead to bone involvement called osteomyelitis which destroys the bone causing pus formation. The pus may enter into veins in the brain causing trombosis which is called cavernus sinus thrombosis. Mainstay of treatment is relief with analgesic, antihistamine and intranasal steroids and antibiotics.
Causes of Hearing Impairment
There are a number of causes of hearing impairment, and listed here are some of the basic causes for this disorder.
Before Birth:
During Birth:
After Birth:
Many of the factors causing hearing impairment cannot be controlled. But knowing about these factors helps us to identify the risks.
Before Birth:
- Family history of childhood deafness.
- Consanguineous marriages.
- Blood group complications.
- Infectious diseases or illness during pregnancy.
- Poor physical condition of the expectant mother.
- Intake of antibiotics.
- Excessive alcohol or nicotine intake.
- Exposure of X rays.
During Birth:
- Premature or instrumental delivery.
- Inadequate supply of oxygen during delivery.
- Delayed or feeble birth cry.
- Birth weight less than 1,200 grams.
After Birth:
- Deformities of ear, nose, throat and face.
- Jaundice, high fever or convulsions immediately after birth.
- Infectious diseases such as whopping cough, mumps, measles, syphilis, meningitis, viral fever etc.
- Intake of antibiotics for a long term.
- Injury to the ear.
- Exposure to loud sounds.
- High blood pressure, diabetes.
- Aging.
- Tumors on the nerve.
- Neglected ear discharge.
- Avoid marriages amongst close relatives.
- Ensure good health of the expectant mother.
- Pregnant women should avoid contact with persons suffering from infectious diseases.
- Make sure that the delivery is performed under the supervision of a trained person.
- Immunise the child.
- Maintain good ear hygiene.
- Avoid exposure to loud noise.
- Use ear protectors while working in a noisy atmosphere.
- Avoid taking medicines without doctor's advice.
Many of the factors causing hearing impairment cannot be controlled. But knowing about these factors helps us to identify the risks.
Ten reasons why you ought to buy a bottle of Honey
1. Honey contains vitamins and minerals that are lacking in refined table sugar.
2.It can soothe heartburn and stomach ulcers.
3. Very recent research shows it might help prevent colon cancer.
4. It is a great first aid for wounds. Honey soaked gauze can be wrapped around burns and wounds.
5. It can soothe sore throat. Take one teaspoon of honey when you are suffering with sore throat.
6. It is a very good first aid home medicine for cough.
7. It can prevent constipation, on an empty stomach, drink a glass of lukewarm water with one table spoon of honey, you can say a very big bye to constipation.
8. It boosts your immunity and energy.
9. It is supposed to help with virility too.
10. Honey from Queen Bee has been found to be rich in collagen.
2.It can soothe heartburn and stomach ulcers.
3. Very recent research shows it might help prevent colon cancer.
4. It is a great first aid for wounds. Honey soaked gauze can be wrapped around burns and wounds.
5. It can soothe sore throat. Take one teaspoon of honey when you are suffering with sore throat.
6. It is a very good first aid home medicine for cough.
7. It can prevent constipation, on an empty stomach, drink a glass of lukewarm water with one table spoon of honey, you can say a very big bye to constipation.
8. It boosts your immunity and energy.
9. It is supposed to help with virility too.
10. Honey from Queen Bee has been found to be rich in collagen.
Bytes you must know
Brain wave:
There's a lot to be said for being faithful to one thing, that is...... 'Exercise'. So don't just walk, Hop, skip, jump, and gallop, too! Doing more than four different activities a week protects your brain as well as your body.
Your brain on exercise: In a recent study, it was found that those who engaged in four or more physical activities a week were less likely to develop dementia than those who did one or none. Here's help to nudge you over the edge:
Relaxing music for Insomniacs:
Have sleepless nights been bothering you?
Do you find yourself deprived of sleep?
An estimated 30 - 50 % o general population suffers from sleeplessness or insomnia. There are various stages of insomnia and various medicines to cure it too. But, a non-pharmacological way of curing insomnia, toted as a effective alternative medicine, is Music. A good melody can bring darkness, calmness and stability to life.
Catch up in sleep: Not getting sound sleep at night is reason enough to make anyone irritable. However, of the two sexes, it is women who are naturally ore grumpy after a bad night. But, as it turns out, women may have an excuse for being grumpier. For researchers found that poor sleep also affects their overall health more seriously than it does in Men. The effect say experts at Duke University in North Carolina, Durham who conducted the research, is so marked that it could up the risk of diabetes, heart attack and stroke. The researchers found that women who didn't get a good night's sleep were more likely to be angry, depressed and suffering from other disorders than that of men, they also noted that not getting enough sleep increased levels of insulin and glucose in women.
If you stop getting thirsty, you need to drink more water, because when a human body is dehydrated, its thirst mechanism shuts down automatically.
Unable to stop crying while peeling onions, chew a bubble gum.
If your tongue is white it shows that it is coated with a thin film of bacteria, if your tongue is pink its germ free.
The roaring sound that we hear when we place a seashell next to our ear is nothing but the sound of blood that surge through the veins in the ear.
Bats always turn left when coming out from the cave.
Every time you sneeze some of the cells in your brain die.
Colour Blue is for calming, it normally causes the brain to release calming hormones.
Ice creams could cause bad headaches. The cold causes blood vessels in the head to swell, making your head pound. If the sensation is severe, you should consult a neurologist for a thorough check up.
Passive smoking is not an ordinary matter that you can brush it off, it is equally serious as active smoking. Children who grew up in the smoky environment are twice at risk of suffering from asthma and chest infections, and they are much prone to get' glue ear' where the ear gets filled with a glue like fluid instead of air, and making them partially deaf. They have also increased risk of colds, coughs and meningitis.
Dreams (not day dreams ) are also an essential for a healthy life. Lack of adequate dreams denote that your health lack in protein and problems in personality. So at least dream as though you are dreaming, to stay fit in your health.
Walk the extra mile. Not literally , perhaps, but walk whenever you can to get a little extra movement out of your schedule.
March in place. Even during stationary activities you can get rid of extra calories and tone leg muscles, stand rather than sit before the television during your favourite sitcom and walk or march in place. During commercials pick up the beat a bit until you feel warm or breath a little heavier.
Rock and roll. Even gentle rocking movements can eliminate a few calories from your legs, abdomen and hips, and rocking actually helps the digestive system work more effectively than if your were sitting.
Fidget at work, while sitting at your desk, jostle your feet up and down rhythmically to keep them moving. This can help improve blood circulation and tighten calf muscles and your legs will look young and romantic.
Honey has a natural laxative property. Mix one tsp of honey with one tsp of 'amla' powder and take it every day at bed time. It is a time tested medicine for chronic constipation.
If your children are suffering from worms, give them 20 drops of juice of raw turmeric mixed with a pinch of salt first thing in the morning.
Normally the basic fact that everyone know is excessive pressure on the abdominal wall, such as strain of heavy lifting, can cause hernia, but a very recent study suggests that extra pounds, due to obesity, may actually offer some protection against hernias.
Beware of silent strokes: It's possible to have a stroke and not realise it immediately. A new study found that nearly 11 percent of people who thought that they were healthy actually had some brain damage from a "silent" stroke. Silent strokes don't result in any noticeable symptoms, people who've had a silent stroke are at higher risk of subsequent strokes.
There's a lot to be said for being faithful to one thing, that is...... 'Exercise'. So don't just walk, Hop, skip, jump, and gallop, too! Doing more than four different activities a week protects your brain as well as your body.
Your brain on exercise: In a recent study, it was found that those who engaged in four or more physical activities a week were less likely to develop dementia than those who did one or none. Here's help to nudge you over the edge:
- Do chores, make a list of calorie-burning round-the-house work. Many household chores require buckets of water. Whether you're mopping the floor, washing the car, or scrubbing the windows, you can get a lower body workout with a couple of buckets half-filled with water.
- Try working out. There are different at home moves that can help you out.
- Become a chi-gong expert, jump rope. You'll burn a lot of calories with this exercise in one hour.
Relaxing music for Insomniacs:
Have sleepless nights been bothering you?
Do you find yourself deprived of sleep?
An estimated 30 - 50 % o general population suffers from sleeplessness or insomnia. There are various stages of insomnia and various medicines to cure it too. But, a non-pharmacological way of curing insomnia, toted as a effective alternative medicine, is Music. A good melody can bring darkness, calmness and stability to life.
Catch up in sleep: Not getting sound sleep at night is reason enough to make anyone irritable. However, of the two sexes, it is women who are naturally ore grumpy after a bad night. But, as it turns out, women may have an excuse for being grumpier. For researchers found that poor sleep also affects their overall health more seriously than it does in Men. The effect say experts at Duke University in North Carolina, Durham who conducted the research, is so marked that it could up the risk of diabetes, heart attack and stroke. The researchers found that women who didn't get a good night's sleep were more likely to be angry, depressed and suffering from other disorders than that of men, they also noted that not getting enough sleep increased levels of insulin and glucose in women.
If you stop getting thirsty, you need to drink more water, because when a human body is dehydrated, its thirst mechanism shuts down automatically.
Unable to stop crying while peeling onions, chew a bubble gum.
If your tongue is white it shows that it is coated with a thin film of bacteria, if your tongue is pink its germ free.
The roaring sound that we hear when we place a seashell next to our ear is nothing but the sound of blood that surge through the veins in the ear.
Bats always turn left when coming out from the cave.
Every time you sneeze some of the cells in your brain die.
Colour Blue is for calming, it normally causes the brain to release calming hormones.
Ice creams could cause bad headaches. The cold causes blood vessels in the head to swell, making your head pound. If the sensation is severe, you should consult a neurologist for a thorough check up.
Passive smoking is not an ordinary matter that you can brush it off, it is equally serious as active smoking. Children who grew up in the smoky environment are twice at risk of suffering from asthma and chest infections, and they are much prone to get' glue ear' where the ear gets filled with a glue like fluid instead of air, and making them partially deaf. They have also increased risk of colds, coughs and meningitis.
Dreams (not day dreams ) are also an essential for a healthy life. Lack of adequate dreams denote that your health lack in protein and problems in personality. So at least dream as though you are dreaming, to stay fit in your health.
Walk the extra mile. Not literally , perhaps, but walk whenever you can to get a little extra movement out of your schedule.
March in place. Even during stationary activities you can get rid of extra calories and tone leg muscles, stand rather than sit before the television during your favourite sitcom and walk or march in place. During commercials pick up the beat a bit until you feel warm or breath a little heavier.
Rock and roll. Even gentle rocking movements can eliminate a few calories from your legs, abdomen and hips, and rocking actually helps the digestive system work more effectively than if your were sitting.
Fidget at work, while sitting at your desk, jostle your feet up and down rhythmically to keep them moving. This can help improve blood circulation and tighten calf muscles and your legs will look young and romantic.
Honey has a natural laxative property. Mix one tsp of honey with one tsp of 'amla' powder and take it every day at bed time. It is a time tested medicine for chronic constipation.
If your children are suffering from worms, give them 20 drops of juice of raw turmeric mixed with a pinch of salt first thing in the morning.
Normally the basic fact that everyone know is excessive pressure on the abdominal wall, such as strain of heavy lifting, can cause hernia, but a very recent study suggests that extra pounds, due to obesity, may actually offer some protection against hernias.
Beware of silent strokes: It's possible to have a stroke and not realise it immediately. A new study found that nearly 11 percent of people who thought that they were healthy actually had some brain damage from a "silent" stroke. Silent strokes don't result in any noticeable symptoms, people who've had a silent stroke are at higher risk of subsequent strokes.
Grandma's tips
1.Add two spoons of Honey in milk and drink twice everyday in the morning and evening this will help keeping your neurosurgeon away, it strengthens the nervous system of your body
2.Take one glass of milk add one spoon honey, and two pinch of black pepper powder and drink every day this is the refreshing button for your brain and memory.
3.Take one glass of hot water and add a spoon of honey and drink to get rid of stomach pain.
4.Kids suffering from stomach pain take one beetle leaf,folded with a pinch of asfotida powder,and pinch of Bishop's weed powder, let the kid chew and eat with a glass of hot water to drink an instant relief from stomach pain.
5.Soak Fenugreek seeds in water make it a paste and add it in a glass curd and drink for three times a day to get rid of Diarrhoea.
6.Take few pieces of Liquorice(licorice) dry and powder it.1 gram of this powder added with sugar and taken everyday morning will give major relief from cough, throat pain, constipation.
Green and yellow vegetables and fruits can prevent cancer.
Recent studies suggest that a liberal use of green and yellow vegetables and fruits can prevent cancer. The 20 year and ongoing study in Japan found that people who take green and yellow vegetables every day had a decreased risk of developing lung, stomach and other cancers. Also a study conducted by Harvard University on more than 1200 elderly Massachusetts residents found that those who reported the high consumption of carrots, squash, tomatoes, salads or leafy green vegetables, dried fruits, fresh strawberries or melon had a decreased risk of cancer. The other useful measures are plenty of rest, complete freedom from worries and mental stress and plenty of fresh, pure air.
Beet root/Beet/Chukandar preserves overall health of women.
60%of women, and especially 90% of Indian women suffer from anaemia. Beets are extremely important in curing anaemia. Beet juice contains potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sulphur, iodine, iron, copper, carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins B1,B2, niacin B6, C and vitamin P. With its high iron content, bet juice regenerates and reactivates the red blood cell, supplies the body with fresh oxygen and helps the normal function of vesicular breathing. The beet juice has also proved valuable in arteriosclerosis. It is an excellent solvent for inorganic calcium deposits. Beet juice has been found very useful in menopausal disorders. It should be taken in Small quantities or 60 to 90ml at time thrice a day. It has proved much more permanently helpful than the degenerative effects of drugs or synthetic hormones.
Peanuts help lower LDL cholesterol reduce risk of heart disease.
Peanut is a pulse and belongs to the legume family along with lentils and beans. Peanuts have a number of health benefits. They are an economical source of protein and are rich in monounsaturated fats which help lower LDL cholesterol. They also contain potassium, thiamine, niacin, vitamin E, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, selenium and zinc. A recent study found regular consumption of foods rich in monounsaturated fats such as peanuts, peanut butter and olive oil decreased total cholesterol by 10 percent LDL cholesterol by 14 percent, and over all risk for heart disease by 21 percent. 30grams of peanuts contains 160 calories, despite their health benefit regular use of moderate quantity is better. Office goers can have 50 grams of peanuts daily to replace their evening snacks.
Calcium levels may be linked to blood pressure:
Recent studies indicate that individuals with low levels of calcium are at greater risk of high blood pressure. To increase your calcium level you may go for milk and milk products, green vegetables, figs, mustard seeds, dried coconut, finger millet and almonds.
Fish Intake may reduce the risk of stroke by 43 percent:
A study of more than 43000 health professionals showed that men who ate 85 to 140 grams of fish one to three times of month were 43 percent less likely to have an ischemic or clot related stroke during 12 years of follow up. This study also conducted with 80000 women found that eating fish as linked to reductions in the risk of ischemic or clot related strokes which account for over 80 percent of all strokes. Doctors recommend eating salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines or other oily fish which have omega-3 fatty acids which help lower the risk of stroke. Other good source of omega-3 fatty acid includes walnuts and walnut oil, canola (rapeseed) oil, flaxseed oil, soybeans, and leafy green vegetables.
Tomatoes may block the effects of environmental toxins:
Tomatoes contain a compound called chlorogenic acid, which may help guard against cancer by blocking the effects of certain environmental toxins, for instance nitrosamines, cancer causing compounds in tobacco smoke and cured meat.
Improve your digestion by eating an over ripe banana and then drink half glass of hot water.
Use a lollipop, instead of a spoon to press down the tongue when examining a baby's throat. The sweet taste of the lollipop will put an end to any protest.
2.Take one glass of milk add one spoon honey, and two pinch of black pepper powder and drink every day this is the refreshing button for your brain and memory.
3.Take one glass of hot water and add a spoon of honey and drink to get rid of stomach pain.
4.Kids suffering from stomach pain take one beetle leaf,folded with a pinch of asfotida powder,and pinch of Bishop's weed powder, let the kid chew and eat with a glass of hot water to drink an instant relief from stomach pain.
5.Soak Fenugreek seeds in water make it a paste and add it in a glass curd and drink for three times a day to get rid of Diarrhoea.
6.Take few pieces of Liquorice(licorice) dry and powder it.1 gram of this powder added with sugar and taken everyday morning will give major relief from cough, throat pain, constipation.
Green and yellow vegetables and fruits can prevent cancer.
Recent studies suggest that a liberal use of green and yellow vegetables and fruits can prevent cancer. The 20 year and ongoing study in Japan found that people who take green and yellow vegetables every day had a decreased risk of developing lung, stomach and other cancers. Also a study conducted by Harvard University on more than 1200 elderly Massachusetts residents found that those who reported the high consumption of carrots, squash, tomatoes, salads or leafy green vegetables, dried fruits, fresh strawberries or melon had a decreased risk of cancer. The other useful measures are plenty of rest, complete freedom from worries and mental stress and plenty of fresh, pure air.
Beet root/Beet/Chukandar preserves overall health of women.
60%of women, and especially 90% of Indian women suffer from anaemia. Beets are extremely important in curing anaemia. Beet juice contains potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sulphur, iodine, iron, copper, carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins B1,B2, niacin B6, C and vitamin P. With its high iron content, bet juice regenerates and reactivates the red blood cell, supplies the body with fresh oxygen and helps the normal function of vesicular breathing. The beet juice has also proved valuable in arteriosclerosis. It is an excellent solvent for inorganic calcium deposits. Beet juice has been found very useful in menopausal disorders. It should be taken in Small quantities or 60 to 90ml at time thrice a day. It has proved much more permanently helpful than the degenerative effects of drugs or synthetic hormones.
Peanuts help lower LDL cholesterol reduce risk of heart disease.
Peanut is a pulse and belongs to the legume family along with lentils and beans. Peanuts have a number of health benefits. They are an economical source of protein and are rich in monounsaturated fats which help lower LDL cholesterol. They also contain potassium, thiamine, niacin, vitamin E, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, selenium and zinc. A recent study found regular consumption of foods rich in monounsaturated fats such as peanuts, peanut butter and olive oil decreased total cholesterol by 10 percent LDL cholesterol by 14 percent, and over all risk for heart disease by 21 percent. 30grams of peanuts contains 160 calories, despite their health benefit regular use of moderate quantity is better. Office goers can have 50 grams of peanuts daily to replace their evening snacks.
Calcium levels may be linked to blood pressure:
Recent studies indicate that individuals with low levels of calcium are at greater risk of high blood pressure. To increase your calcium level you may go for milk and milk products, green vegetables, figs, mustard seeds, dried coconut, finger millet and almonds.
Fish Intake may reduce the risk of stroke by 43 percent:
A study of more than 43000 health professionals showed that men who ate 85 to 140 grams of fish one to three times of month were 43 percent less likely to have an ischemic or clot related stroke during 12 years of follow up. This study also conducted with 80000 women found that eating fish as linked to reductions in the risk of ischemic or clot related strokes which account for over 80 percent of all strokes. Doctors recommend eating salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines or other oily fish which have omega-3 fatty acids which help lower the risk of stroke. Other good source of omega-3 fatty acid includes walnuts and walnut oil, canola (rapeseed) oil, flaxseed oil, soybeans, and leafy green vegetables.
Tomatoes may block the effects of environmental toxins:
Tomatoes contain a compound called chlorogenic acid, which may help guard against cancer by blocking the effects of certain environmental toxins, for instance nitrosamines, cancer causing compounds in tobacco smoke and cured meat.
Improve your digestion by eating an over ripe banana and then drink half glass of hot water.
Use a lollipop, instead of a spoon to press down the tongue when examining a baby's throat. The sweet taste of the lollipop will put an end to any protest.
Lack of sleep makes kids obese
Are your children going to bed late? If you answer Yes, then you can be sure of your children affected by obesity. More sleep may lower their risk of becoming obese. Recent researches have found that every extra hour per night a third grader spends sleeping reduces the child's chances of being obese in sixth grade by 40 percent. Children at the age group of 8 or 9 years old come under third grade, and children at the age group of 11 to 12 years fall under the sixth grade. Since, the less sleep, the children at the age group of 8 and 9 years old got, the more likely to be obese at the age of 11 to 12 years. The researchers had found out that there is a magic number for the third graders, it was 9 hours and 45 minutes of sleep. Sleeping more than that of the this magic number lower the risk of obesity significantly.
Lack of sleep plays havoc with two hormones that are the "Yin and Yang of appetite regulation", says the endocrinologist EveVan Cauter, of the University of Chicago. In the recent experiments, it was found sleep deprived adults produced more ghrelin, a hormone that promotes hunger, and less leptin, a hormone that signals fullness.
Another explanation, to this theory points out that tired kids are less likely to exercise and more likely to sit on the couch and eat cookies. It was also found that children's sleep may disturbed by breathing problems, caused by overweight, such as sleep apnea, and some caused by enlarged tonsils and adenoids.
On the research conducted among the children lived in 10 US cities, On an average, the third graders got about 9 hours sleep, but some slept as little as seven hours and others as much as 12 hours. Of the children who slept 10 to 12 hours a day, about 12 percent were obese by sixth grade and 22 per cent were obese in sixth grade of those who slept less than nine hours a day.
The researchers also took into account other risk factors for obesity, such as the children's body mass index in third grade, and still found the link between less sleep in third grade and obesity in sixth grade. They acknowledged that factors they did not account for, such as parents weight or behaviour, may have contributed to the risk.
More over, there are plenty of other reasons for encouraging good sleep habits, such as success in school, Clean thinking and stress free.
Lack of sleep plays havoc with two hormones that are the "Yin and Yang of appetite regulation", says the endocrinologist EveVan Cauter, of the University of Chicago. In the recent experiments, it was found sleep deprived adults produced more ghrelin, a hormone that promotes hunger, and less leptin, a hormone that signals fullness.
Another explanation, to this theory points out that tired kids are less likely to exercise and more likely to sit on the couch and eat cookies. It was also found that children's sleep may disturbed by breathing problems, caused by overweight, such as sleep apnea, and some caused by enlarged tonsils and adenoids.
On the research conducted among the children lived in 10 US cities, On an average, the third graders got about 9 hours sleep, but some slept as little as seven hours and others as much as 12 hours. Of the children who slept 10 to 12 hours a day, about 12 percent were obese by sixth grade and 22 per cent were obese in sixth grade of those who slept less than nine hours a day.
The researchers also took into account other risk factors for obesity, such as the children's body mass index in third grade, and still found the link between less sleep in third grade and obesity in sixth grade. They acknowledged that factors they did not account for, such as parents weight or behaviour, may have contributed to the risk.
More over, there are plenty of other reasons for encouraging good sleep habits, such as success in school, Clean thinking and stress free.
Know your thyroid
Today's super woman, balancing home and career may be more prone to thyroid disorders than she realises. The pressures of multitasking put her system at risk, which goes up particularly for new mothers.
So, What is thyroid?
The Thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland in front e neck , which produces the hormones T3 and T4. The thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) produced by the pituitary gland controls their production.
What causes Hypothyroidism?
Stress makes the thyroid gland falter. It has a strong genetic basis and a gender bias, being more common among women.
What are symptoms of hypothyroidism?
It's often linked to depression or abnormal cholesterol and sugar levels, particularly during pregnancy or lactation. There are a number of subtle symptoms which mimic hypothyroidism, the commonest being " feeling drained or tired", this is often accompanied by weight gain, swelling of the feet, body or face, water retention, irregular cycles, dry skin, constipation and hair loss.
How is it tested and treated?
Usually, blood tests of free T3 and free T4 and TSH are conducted.
The thyroid hormone replacement T4 pill has to be taken life long.
Tips to control hypothyroidism:
Eat right and less, walk more, sleep well, smile.
Take medicine regularly.
Drink boiled or mineral water; avoid water filters, which use iodine as disinfectants.
Avoid iodine-rich foods like broccoli, soya, prawns, shellfish and crabs.
Get vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3 levels checked, particularly if you are a vegetarian.
Test your thyroid regularly and keep it in control.
The winter season aggravates thyroid, take more caution.
Practice Yoga which have long term benefits.
So, What is thyroid?
The Thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland in front e neck , which produces the hormones T3 and T4. The thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) produced by the pituitary gland controls their production.
What causes Hypothyroidism?
Stress makes the thyroid gland falter. It has a strong genetic basis and a gender bias, being more common among women.
What are symptoms of hypothyroidism?
It's often linked to depression or abnormal cholesterol and sugar levels, particularly during pregnancy or lactation. There are a number of subtle symptoms which mimic hypothyroidism, the commonest being " feeling drained or tired", this is often accompanied by weight gain, swelling of the feet, body or face, water retention, irregular cycles, dry skin, constipation and hair loss.
How is it tested and treated?
Usually, blood tests of free T3 and free T4 and TSH are conducted.
The thyroid hormone replacement T4 pill has to be taken life long.
Tips to control hypothyroidism:
Eat right and less, walk more, sleep well, smile.
Take medicine regularly.
Drink boiled or mineral water; avoid water filters, which use iodine as disinfectants.
Avoid iodine-rich foods like broccoli, soya, prawns, shellfish and crabs.
Get vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3 levels checked, particularly if you are a vegetarian.
Test your thyroid regularly and keep it in control.
The winter season aggravates thyroid, take more caution.
Practice Yoga which have long term benefits.
4 Apples

Every body knows this proverb,"An Apple a day keeps the Doctor away" is it not, may be that's good old and the new is "4 Apples a day keeps the Heart ailments and Cancer away". Yes it is been proved that if you take 4 apples and two cups of black tea (without milk) a day or any one for that matter continuously, you can very well say Goodbye to heart ailments and Cancer. These two contains EGCG(Epigallocatechin gallate) and catechin abundantly which is more powerful than vitamin E,, and the Polyphenol present in these two can fight against any type of cancer,but we should take Apple with skin and tea without milk.

Most of the people skip morning breakfast for not to get into obese condition or they may be suffering from obesity or excess weight but skipping morning breakfast will not help them instead they may land themselves in lot of other health problems.
Rather than skipping your breakfast take 8 slices of bread and milk, take one cup of juice or four iddlies which will in turn boost your brain and the freshness of your brain will reflect in the day to come.
Hearlthy Heart -Tips

Walk- Walk your way to a healthy heart, it had been proved that nothing helps keeping your heart healthy than walking.Why not we do this simple help to our heart,after all we call everything outside as our heart forgetting there is really one inside.
After reading the title and the line above if you say that oh! this I know want to jump from this column wait, yes you know walking is best to heart but do you know the basics of walking if you say YES you are permitted to jump if you say NO then walk through this.
The recommendations read as one must walk minimum 3 miles (4.8kms) a day for five days in a week.You should walk in such a way that you cross 1 mile in 20 minutes, this is the best pase that you got to walk and this thumb rule is common for men and women.
Brisk walk is good for health than jogging.Specialists suggest that those who are excess weight and obese may land in trouble if jog, they may develop joint pain and back pain,since brisk walking is very much recommended for them.The reason behind this difference between jogging and brisk walking is when you jog the pressure generated on your legs and on the joints of your body is 5 times more than your weight but it is only 11/2times more when you brisk walk.
The intake of oxygen is also the same in brisk walking as in jogging.when you brisk walk for 30 minutes it burns almost 200 calories from your body. It fights against cholesterol and stress.
When you walk try to keep your body straight and walk, swing arms freely not like an army parade,wear good shoes which are not so heavy.Use good track suit or good cotton clothes for walking.
Brisk walking is the only exercise that rejuvenates your body without hurting and exerting your heart.Keep walking 30 minutes a day make it a practise.
Food for Osteoporosis

Natural diet for people suffering from Osteoporosis ; A disease that affects the bone by thinning the bone and reducing the bone mineral density due to the loss of calcium and leading to a week bone and,very much prone to fracture and pain.
Persons who are affected by this disease should take a lot of calcium food.
Normally an adult needs 100mgs of calcium everyday.
Take milk in the morning and curd in the afternoon and ragi in any form preferably as rotis at night.
Reduce the amount of coffee don't more than two cups of coffee a day.
Also reduce the amount of salt in food.
Expose their body to sunlight in the evening to get more natural vitamin D.
Add as much as possible soya bean and soya milk in their food everyday.
Seafoods, Orange, and drum stick will be more help full to them.
weight loss
weight lose
To lose weight keep one basic truth in mind in every weight lose program is that the calories that you take in should also be burned.
to lose weight safely you should include all food groups in your diet.
Try to stop taking junk foods like ice creams choclates, potato chips,and cakes and most of all fast foods.you can change the pattern of your desire to low calorie snacks.
divide your meals in to four or six parts and eat in regular intervals this will help you to get constantly nourished and help very much in your metabolism
Drink 12 to 15 glasses of water daily make it a habit, water cleanses the entire system of your body and also replenishes the vital fluids you lose during exercise and prevents dehydration
Eat variety of fruits that are available in each season take green vegetables and especially whole grains, choose to eat at least 5 to 6 serving each day
take lot of pulses and salads as a routine diet in the meal menu of yours
Try to stop taking non vegeterian food if not possible try to limit it to once or twice a week, switch over to taking chicken and more fish
reduce the amount of salt in your diet you should take only six grams that is a teaspoon of salt a day
Remember, diet does not mean curbing your desires instead in dulge yourself by thinking smart and choosing right, enjoy your eatouts but learn to burn them out too.
To lose weight keep one basic truth in mind in every weight lose program is that the calories that you take in should also be burned.
to lose weight safely you should include all food groups in your diet.
Try to stop taking junk foods like ice creams choclates, potato chips,and cakes and most of all fast foods.you can change the pattern of your desire to low calorie snacks.
divide your meals in to four or six parts and eat in regular intervals this will help you to get constantly nourished and help very much in your metabolism
Drink 12 to 15 glasses of water daily make it a habit, water cleanses the entire system of your body and also replenishes the vital fluids you lose during exercise and prevents dehydration
Eat variety of fruits that are available in each season take green vegetables and especially whole grains, choose to eat at least 5 to 6 serving each day
take lot of pulses and salads as a routine diet in the meal menu of yours
Try to stop taking non vegeterian food if not possible try to limit it to once or twice a week, switch over to taking chicken and more fish
reduce the amount of salt in your diet you should take only six grams that is a teaspoon of salt a day
Remember, diet does not mean curbing your desires instead in dulge yourself by thinking smart and choosing right, enjoy your eatouts but learn to burn them out too.
simple tips
To control your pimples wash your face 3 times a day with a mild baby soap or soap without detergent, and apply a face lotion on the pimples. This will serve two purpose, this controls pimples and its left over marks, as well as this will serve the purpose of foundation cream for make up.
Use loose face powder instead of any cake, compressed or compact makeup, you can apply an astringent lotion twice daily, particularly when you go out, this will be very helpful in keeping your skin free from oil for hours.
Deep cracks in feet
Normally lot of people use pumice stone and Vaseline cream for deep cracks of feet, but this will not help to get rid of your problem in fact too much use of pumice stones is not advisable. It's better you take a pedicure 3 times a week for one month, gradually reducing it to once a week, as the condition improves. And it is also advisable you take this pedicure done in a beauty parlour under a experienced hand, for the first two weeks for effective results.
When you feel some improvements you can do it home. Proper care of feet is very essential, as the whole body weight rests on those remarkable little creations of nature, whether you are walking or standing. for more about how to take care of your feet visit here
To relieve sunburn, use a face mask by applying plain curd. It will soothe and repair the skin.
Foods that promote heartburn
eating these foods encourages acidic fluids from the stomach to flow backward into the esophagus causing heartburn
Orange, tomato, or cranberry juice, mashed potatoes, french fries, Ground beef, steak with visible fat, ice cream, sour cream, milkshake liquor, wine, coffee or tea, decaf or regular creamy salad, dressings, vinaigrette, fried snacks, or chips, high fat or pastries cookies
Add a little oil to a salad, scientists have found that we absorb virtual fighting carotenes in salad leaves, if they are eaten completely raw or with fat free dressing. Carotenes such as beta carotene, which protects the heart and lungs, and pigments such as lutein and zeaxanthin which help to prevent age related blindness hitch a lift over the intestinal wall by attaching themselves to fat
Cure Sinus headache in few minutes
Sit with legs folded backwards heels, apart knees and toes together
Stretch your toes on the ground Adjust your hips between the heels
Slowly raise your arms over the head, While exhaling, slowly bend forward and stretch your palms on the floor with pulling in your abdomen and pressing it against the thighs
Then bring your face downwards and touch the floor with the forehead without raising the buttocks
When you are in the pose, remember to continue breathing normally
Make sure that you are comfortable otherwise you will be unable to relax properly
Be in position for at least 15 seconds Inhale slowly, return to an upright position reversing the process
In shashankasana, the head is bent downwards, it allows better circulation towards the brain.This has numerous benefits such as improved concentration and memory
There are a numerous physical benefits of shashankasan, for example headaches and sinus congestion almost immediately vanish after one stays in the post for a few minutes
The increased circulation when you practice this pose helps the heart.But most of the physical benefits are related to the spinal cord.It tones the spinal nerves and helps in relieving arthritic pain
shashankasana alleviates back pain neck pain and massages the sciatic nerve.It alleviates abdominal ailments when its practiced with proper breathing.It is an excellent asana for digestion.If you inhale and exhale as indicated in the method you can get rid of stomach ulcers and indigestion problems.Because it also massages the pancreas, it useful in the prevention and cure of diabetics
Hand care
Your hands need extra care as they are constantly exposed to so many things as you work through the day. To prevent dry wrinkled, rough hands, just keep in mind these few things:
Make sure your hands are well moisturised, Use Vaseline or a rich lotion after bath and every time you wash your hands
For soft hands, rub in some coconut oil an hour before bath and avoid using harsh soaps which rob the skin of moisture
Don't keep your hands in water for a long time, it could cause a fungal infection
At night moisturise your hands again before sleeping
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